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Awaitable.hs 16.84 KiB
module Quasar.Awaitable (
  -- * MonadAwaitable

  -- * Awaitable

  -- * Awaitable helpers

  -- ** Awaiting multiple awaitables

  -- * AsyncVar

  -- ** Manage `AsyncVar`s in IO

  -- ** Manage `AsyncVar`s in STM
) where

import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM(..))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWST)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Sequence
import GHC.IO (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import Quasar.Prelude

class (MonadCatch m, MonadPlus m, MonadFix m) => MonadAwait m where
  -- | Wait until an awaitable is completed and then return it's value (or throw an exception).
  await :: IsAwaitable r a => a -> m r

  -- | Await an `STM` transaction. The STM transaction must always return the same result and should not have visible
  -- side effects.
  -- Use `retry` to signal that the awaitable is not yet completed and use `throwM`/`throwSTM` to signal a failed
  -- awaitable.
  unsafeAwaitSTM :: STM a -> m a

data BlockedIndefinitelyOnAwait = BlockedIndefinitelyOnAwait
  deriving stock Show

instance Exception BlockedIndefinitelyOnAwait where
  displayException BlockedIndefinitelyOnAwait = "Thread blocked indefinitely in an 'await' operation"

instance MonadAwait IO where
  await awaitable = liftIO do
    runQueryT atomically (runAwaitable awaitable)
        \BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> throwM BlockedIndefinitelyOnAwait
  unsafeAwaitSTM = atomically

-- | Experimental instance for `STM`. Using `await` in STM circumvents awaitable caching mechanics, so this only
-- exists as a test to estimate the usefulness of caching awaitables against the usefulness of awaiting in STM.
instance MonadAwait STM where
  await awaitable =
    runQueryT id (runAwaitable awaitable)
        \BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> throwM BlockedIndefinitelyOnAwait
  unsafeAwaitSTM = id

instance MonadAwait m => MonadAwait (ReaderT a m) where
  await = lift . await
  unsafeAwaitSTM = lift . unsafeAwaitSTM

instance (MonadAwait m, Monoid a) => MonadAwait (WriterT a m) where
  await = lift . await
  unsafeAwaitSTM = lift . unsafeAwaitSTM

instance MonadAwait m => MonadAwait (StateT a m) where
  await = lift . await
  unsafeAwaitSTM = lift . unsafeAwaitSTM

instance (MonadAwait m, Monoid w) => MonadAwait (RWST r w s m) where
  await = lift . await
  unsafeAwaitSTM = lift . unsafeAwaitSTM

instance MonadAwait m => MonadAwait (MaybeT m) where
  await = lift . await
  unsafeAwaitSTM = lift . unsafeAwaitSTM

awaitResult :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadAwait m) => m a -> m r
awaitResult = (await =<<)

-- | Returns the result (in a `Just`) when the awaitable is completed, throws an `Exception` when the awaitable is
-- failed and returns `Nothing` otherwise.
peekAwaitable :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Maybe r)
peekAwaitable awaitable = liftIO $ runMaybeT $ runQueryT queryFn (runAwaitable awaitable)
    queryFn :: STM a -> MaybeT IO a
    queryFn transaction = MaybeT $ atomically $ (Just <$> transaction) `orElse` pure Nothing

class IsAwaitable r a | a -> r where
  toAwaitable :: a -> Awaitable r
  toAwaitable = Awaitable

  -- | Run the awaitable. When interacting with an awaitable you usually want to use `await` instead. `runAwaitable` is
  -- used to manually implement an instance of `IsAwaitable`.
  -- The implementation of `async` calls `runAwaitable` in most monads, so the implementation of `runAwaitable` must
  -- not call `async` without deconstructing first.
  runAwaitable :: (MonadAwait m) => a -> m r
  runAwaitable self = runAwaitable (toAwaitable self)

  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive :: MonadIO m => a -> m (Awaitable r)
  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive self = cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive (toAwaitable self)

  {-# MINIMAL toAwaitable | (runAwaitable, cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive) #-}

cacheAwaitable :: MonadIO m => Awaitable r -> m (Awaitable r)
cacheAwaitable = cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive

data Awaitable r = forall a. IsAwaitable r a => Awaitable a

instance IsAwaitable r (Awaitable r) where
  runAwaitable (Awaitable x) = runAwaitable x
  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive (Awaitable x) = cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive x
  toAwaitable = id

instance MonadAwait Awaitable where
  await = toAwaitable
  unsafeAwaitSTM transaction = mkMonadicAwaitable $ unsafeAwaitSTM transaction

instance Functor Awaitable where
  fmap fn (Awaitable x) = mkMonadicAwaitable $ fn <$> runAwaitable x

instance Applicative Awaitable where
  pure = successfulAwaitable
  liftA2 fn (Awaitable fx) (Awaitable fy) = mkMonadicAwaitable $ liftA2 fn (runAwaitable fx) (runAwaitable fy)

instance Monad Awaitable where
  (Awaitable fx) >>= fn = mkMonadicAwaitable $ runAwaitable fx >>= runAwaitable . fn

instance Semigroup r => Semigroup (Awaitable r) where
  x <> y = liftA2 (<>) x y

instance Monoid r => Monoid (Awaitable r) where
  mempty = pure mempty

instance MonadThrow Awaitable where
  throwM = failedAwaitable . toException

instance MonadCatch Awaitable where
  catch awaitable handler = mkMonadicAwaitable do
    runAwaitable awaitable `catch` \ex -> runAwaitable (handler ex)

instance MonadFail Awaitable where
  fail = throwM . userError

instance Alternative Awaitable where
  x <|> y = x `catchAll` const y
  empty = failedAwaitable $ toException $ userError "empty"

instance MonadPlus Awaitable

instance MonadFix Awaitable where
  mfix fn = mkMonadicAwaitable $ mfix \x -> runAwaitable (fn x)

newtype MonadicAwaitable r = MonadicAwaitable (forall m. MonadAwait m => m r)

instance IsAwaitable r (MonadicAwaitable r) where
  runAwaitable (MonadicAwaitable x) = x
  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive = cacheAwaitableDefaultImplementation

mkMonadicAwaitable :: MonadAwait m => (forall f. (MonadAwait f) => f r) -> m r
mkMonadicAwaitable fn = await $ MonadicAwaitable fn

newtype CompletedAwaitable r = CompletedAwaitable (Either SomeException r)

instance IsAwaitable r (CompletedAwaitable r) where
  runAwaitable (CompletedAwaitable x) = either throwM pure x
  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive = pure . toAwaitable

completedAwaitable :: Either SomeException r -> Awaitable r
completedAwaitable result = toAwaitable $ CompletedAwaitable result

-- | Alias for `pure`.
successfulAwaitable :: r -> Awaitable r
successfulAwaitable = completedAwaitable . Right

failedAwaitable :: SomeException -> Awaitable r
failedAwaitable = completedAwaitable . Left

-- | Create an awaitable from an `STM` transaction.
-- The first value or exception returned from the STM transaction will be cached and returned. The STM transacton
-- should not have visible side effects.
-- Use `retry` to signal that the awaitable is not yet completed and `throwM`/`throwSTM` to set the awaitable to failed.
awaitableFromSTM :: forall m a. MonadIO m => STM a -> m (Awaitable a)
awaitableFromSTM transaction = cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive (unsafeAwaitSTM transaction :: Awaitable a)

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (MonadCatch m, MonadPlus m, MonadFix m) => MonadAwait (ReaderT (QueryFn m) m) where
  await = runAwaitable
  unsafeAwaitSTM transaction = do
    QueryFn querySTMFn <- ask
    lift $ querySTMFn transaction

newtype QueryFn m = QueryFn (forall a. STM a -> m a)

runQueryT :: forall m a. (forall b. STM b -> m b) -> ReaderT (QueryFn m) m a -> m a
runQueryT queryFn action = runReaderT action (QueryFn queryFn)

-- TODO add guard to only allow one thread to step cache
newtype CachedAwaitable r = CachedAwaitable (TVar (AwaitableStepM r))

cacheAwaitableDefaultImplementation :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadIO m) => a -> m (Awaitable r)
cacheAwaitableDefaultImplementation awaitable = toAwaitable . CachedAwaitable <$> liftIO (newTVarIO (runAwaitable awaitable))

instance IsAwaitable r (CachedAwaitable r) where
  runAwaitable :: forall m. MonadAwait m => CachedAwaitable r -> m r
  runAwaitable (CachedAwaitable tvar) = go
      go :: m r
      go = unsafeAwaitSTM stepCacheTransaction >>= \case
        AwaitableCompleted result -> pure result
        AwaitableFailed ex -> throwM ex
        -- Cached operation is not yet completed
        _ -> go

      stepCacheTransaction :: STM (AwaitableStepM r)
      stepCacheTransaction = do
        readTVar tvar >>= \case
          -- Cache needs to be stepped
          AwaitableStep query fn -> do
            -- Run the next "querySTM" query requested by the cached operation
            -- The query might `retry`, which is ok here
            nextStep <- fn <$> try query
            -- In case of an incomplete query the caller (/ the monad `m`) can decide what to do (e.g. retry for
            -- `awaitIO`, abort for `peekAwaitable`)
            -- Query was successful. Update cache and exit query
            writeTVar tvar nextStep
            pure nextStep

          -- Cache was already completed
          result -> pure result

  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive = pure . toAwaitable

data AwaitableStepM a
  = AwaitableCompleted a
  | AwaitableFailed SomeException
  | forall b. AwaitableStep (STM b) (Either SomeException b -> AwaitableStepM a)

instance Functor AwaitableStepM where
  fmap fn (AwaitableCompleted x) = AwaitableCompleted (fn x)
  fmap _ (AwaitableFailed ex) = AwaitableFailed ex
  fmap fn (AwaitableStep query next) = AwaitableStep query (fmap fn <$> next)

instance Applicative AwaitableStepM where
  pure = AwaitableCompleted
  liftA2 fn fx fy = fx >>= \x -> fn x <$> fy

instance Monad AwaitableStepM where
  (AwaitableCompleted x) >>= fn = fn x
  (AwaitableFailed ex) >>= _ = AwaitableFailed ex
  (AwaitableStep query next) >>= fn = AwaitableStep query (next >=> fn)

instance MonadAwait AwaitableStepM where
  await = runAwaitable
  unsafeAwaitSTM query = AwaitableStep query (either AwaitableFailed AwaitableCompleted)

instance MonadThrow AwaitableStepM where
  throwM = AwaitableFailed . toException

instance MonadCatch AwaitableStepM where
  catch result@(AwaitableCompleted _) _ = result
  catch result@(AwaitableFailed ex) handler = maybe result handler $ fromException ex
  catch (AwaitableStep query next) handler = AwaitableStep query (\x -> next x `catch` handler)

instance MonadFail AwaitableStepM where
  fail = throwM . userError

instance Alternative AwaitableStepM where
  x <|> y = x `catchAll` const y
  empty = throwM $ toException $ userError "empty"

instance MonadPlus AwaitableStepM

instance MonadFix AwaitableStepM where
  mfix :: forall a. (a -> AwaitableStepM a) -> AwaitableStepM a
  mfix fn = AwaitableStep newEmptyTMVar applyFix
      applyFix :: Either SomeException (TMVar a) -> AwaitableStepM a
      applyFix (Right var) = do
        result <- fn $ unsafeDupablePerformIO do
          atomically (readTMVar var) `catch` \BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> throwIO FixAwaitException
        storeResult var result
      applyFix (Left _) = unreachableCodePathM -- `newEmptyTMVar` should never fail
      storeResult :: TMVar a -> a -> AwaitableStepM a
      storeResult var x = AwaitableStep (void $ tryPutTMVar var x) (\_ -> pure x)

data FixAwaitException = FixAwaitException
  deriving stock (Eq, Show)
  deriving anyclass Exception

-- ** AsyncVar
-- | The default implementation for an `Awaitable` that can be fulfilled later.
newtype AsyncVar r = AsyncVar (TMVar (Either SomeException r))

instance IsAwaitable r (AsyncVar r) where
  runAwaitable (AsyncVar var) = unsafeAwaitSTM $ either throwM pure =<< readTMVar var
  -- An AsyncVar is a primitive awaitable, so caching is not necessary
  cacheAwaitableUnlessPrimitive = pure . toAwaitable

newAsyncVarSTM :: STM (AsyncVar r)
newAsyncVarSTM = AsyncVar <$> newEmptyTMVar

newAsyncVar :: MonadIO m => m (AsyncVar r)
newAsyncVar = liftIO $ AsyncVar <$> newEmptyTMVarIO

putAsyncVarEither :: forall a m. MonadIO m => AsyncVar a -> Either SomeException a -> m Bool
putAsyncVarEither var = liftIO . atomically . putAsyncVarEitherSTM var

putAsyncVarEitherSTM :: AsyncVar a -> Either SomeException a -> STM Bool
putAsyncVarEitherSTM (AsyncVar var) = tryPutTMVar var

-- | Get the value of an `AsyncVar` in `STM`. Will retry until the AsyncVar is fulfilled.
readAsyncVarSTM :: AsyncVar a -> STM a
readAsyncVarSTM (AsyncVar var) = either throwM pure =<< readTMVar var

tryReadAsyncVarSTM :: forall a. AsyncVar a -> STM (Maybe a)
tryReadAsyncVarSTM (AsyncVar var) = mapM (either throwM pure) =<< tryReadTMVar var

putAsyncVar :: MonadIO m => AsyncVar a -> a -> m Bool
putAsyncVar var = putAsyncVarEither var . Right

putAsyncVarSTM :: AsyncVar a -> a -> STM Bool
putAsyncVarSTM var = putAsyncVarEitherSTM var . Right

putAsyncVar_ :: MonadIO m => AsyncVar a -> a -> m ()
putAsyncVar_ var = void . putAsyncVar var

putAsyncVarSTM_ :: AsyncVar a -> a -> STM ()
putAsyncVarSTM_ var = void . putAsyncVarSTM var

failAsyncVar :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => AsyncVar a -> e -> m Bool
failAsyncVar var = putAsyncVarEither var . Left . toException

failAsyncVarSTM :: Exception e => AsyncVar a -> e -> STM Bool
failAsyncVarSTM var = putAsyncVarEitherSTM var . Left . toException

failAsyncVar_ :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => AsyncVar a -> e -> m ()
failAsyncVar_ var = void . failAsyncVar var

failAsyncVarSTM_ :: Exception e => AsyncVar a -> e -> STM ()
failAsyncVarSTM_ var = void . failAsyncVarSTM var

putAsyncVarEither_ :: MonadIO m => AsyncVar a -> Either SomeException a -> m ()
putAsyncVarEither_ var = void . putAsyncVarEither var

putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ :: AsyncVar a -> Either SomeException a -> STM ()
putAsyncVarEitherSTM_ var = void . putAsyncVarEitherSTM var

-- * Utility functions

-- | Await success or failure of another awaitable, then return `()`.
awaitSuccessOrFailure :: (IsAwaitable r a, MonadAwait m) => a -> m ()
awaitSuccessOrFailure = await . fireAndForget . toAwaitable
    fireAndForget :: MonadCatch m => m r -> m ()
    fireAndForget x = void x `catchAll` const (pure ())

afix :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => (Awaitable a -> m a) -> m a
afix action = do
  var <- newAsyncVar
      result <- action (toAwaitable var)
      putAsyncVar_ var result
      pure result
    \ex -> do
      failAsyncVar_ var ex
      throwM ex

afix_ :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => (Awaitable a -> m a) -> m ()
afix_ = void . afix

-- ** Awaiting multiple awaitables

-- | Completes as soon as either awaitable completes.
awaitEither :: MonadAwait m => Awaitable ra -> Awaitable rb -> m (Either ra rb)
awaitEither x y = mkMonadicAwaitable $ stepBoth (runAwaitable x) (runAwaitable y)
    stepBoth :: MonadAwait m => AwaitableStepM ra -> AwaitableStepM rb -> m (Either ra rb)
    stepBoth (AwaitableCompleted resultX) _ = pure $ Left resultX
    stepBoth (AwaitableFailed ex) _ = throwM ex
    stepBoth _ (AwaitableCompleted resultY) = pure $ Right resultY
    stepBoth _ (AwaitableFailed ex) = throwM ex
    stepBoth stepX@(AwaitableStep transactionX nextX) stepY@(AwaitableStep transactionY nextY) = do
      unsafeAwaitSTM (eitherSTM (try transactionX) (try transactionY)) >>= \case
        Left resultX -> stepBoth (nextX resultX) stepY
        Right resultY -> stepBoth stepX (nextY resultY)

-- | Helper for `awaitEither`
eitherSTM :: STM a -> STM b -> STM (Either a b)
eitherSTM x y = fmap Left x `orElse` fmap Right y

-- Completes as soon as any awaitable in the list is completed and then returns the left-most completed result
-- (or exception).
awaitAny :: MonadAwait m => [Awaitable r] -> m r
awaitAny xs = mkMonadicAwaitable $ stepAll Empty Empty $ runAwaitable <$> fromList xs
      :: MonadAwait m
      => Seq (STM (Seq (AwaitableStepM r)))
      -> Seq (AwaitableStepM r)
      -> Seq (AwaitableStepM r)
      -> m r
    stepAll _ _ (AwaitableCompleted result :<| _) = pure result
    stepAll _ _ (AwaitableFailed ex :<| _) = throwM ex
    stepAll acc prevSteps (step@(AwaitableStep transaction next) :<| steps) =
        do acc |> ((\result -> (prevSteps |> next result) <> steps) <$> try transaction)
        do prevSteps |> step
    stepAll acc _ Empty = do
      newAwaitableSteps <- unsafeAwaitSTM $ maybe unreachableCodePathM anySTM $ nonEmpty (toList acc)
      stepAll Empty Empty newAwaitableSteps

-- | Helper for `awaitAny`
anySTM :: NonEmpty (STM a) -> STM a
anySTM (x :| xs) = x `orElse` maybe retry anySTM (nonEmpty xs)

-- | Like `awaitAny` with two awaitables.
awaitAny2 :: MonadAwait m => Awaitable r -> Awaitable r -> m r
awaitAny2 x y = awaitAny [toAwaitable x, toAwaitable y]