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Commit b3da1263 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
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Implement POSIX timer for CLOCK_BOOTTIME

Co-authored-by: default avatarJan Beinke <>
parent 7f163062
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.ghci 0 → 100644
:set -fobject-code
...@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ library ...@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ library
Quasar.ResourceManager Quasar.ResourceManager
Quasar.Subscribable Quasar.Subscribable
Quasar.Timer Quasar.Timer
Quasar.Utils.Exceptions Quasar.Utils.Exceptions
Quasar.Utils.ExtraT Quasar.Utils.ExtraT
hs-source-dirs: hs-source-dirs:
module Quasar.Timer.PosixTimer (
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Quasar.Disposable
import Quasar.Prelude
import System.Posix.Types
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
foreign import capi "signal.h value SIGEV_THREAD"
data CSigEvent = CSigEventThreadCallback (FunPtr SigevNotifyFunction)
instance Storable CSigEvent where
sizeOf _ = #size struct sigevent
alignment _ = #alignment struct sigevent
peek _ = fail "Cannot peek SigEvent"
poke ptr (CSigEventThreadCallback funPtr) = do
#{poke struct sigevent, sigev_notify} ptr c_SIGEV_THREAD
#{poke struct sigevent, sigev_notify_function} ptr funPtr
foreign import ccall "wrapper"
mkSigevNotifyFunction :: SigevNotifyFunction -> IO (FunPtr SigevNotifyFunction)
type SigevNotifyFunction = (Ptr Void -> IO ())
data {-# CTYPE "struct timespec" #-} CTimeSpec = CTimeSpec {
tv_sec :: CTime,
tv_nsec :: CLong
instance Storable CTimeSpec where
sizeOf _ = #size struct timespec
alignment _ = #alignment struct timespec
peek ptr = do
tv_sec <- #{peek struct timespec, tv_sec} ptr
tv_nsec <- #{peek struct timespec, tv_nsec} ptr
pure CTimeSpec {
poke ptr CTimeSpec{tv_sec, tv_nsec} = do
#{poke struct timespec, tv_sec} ptr tv_sec
#{poke struct timespec, tv_nsec} ptr tv_nsec
defaultCTimeSpec :: CTimeSpec
defaultCTimeSpec = CTimeSpec 0 0
data {-# CTYPE "struct itimerspec" #-} CITimerSpec = CITimerSpec {
it_interval :: CTimeSpec,
it_value :: CTimeSpec
instance Storable CITimerSpec where
sizeOf _ = #size struct itimerspec
alignment _ = #alignment struct itimerspec
peek ptr = do
it_interval <- #{peek struct itimerspec, it_interval} ptr
it_value <- #{peek struct itimerspec, it_value} ptr
pure CITimerSpec {
poke ptr CITimerSpec{it_interval, it_value} = do
#{poke struct itimerspec, it_interval} ptr it_interval
#{poke struct itimerspec, it_value} ptr it_value
defaultCITimerSpec :: CITimerSpec
defaultCITimerSpec = CITimerSpec defaultCTimeSpec defaultCTimeSpec
foreign import capi "time.h value CLOCK_BOOTTIME"
foreign import capi "time.h timer_create"
c_timer_create :: CClockId -> Ptr CSigEvent -> Ptr CTimer -> IO CInt
foreign import capi "time.h timer_settime"
c_timer_settime :: CTimer -> CInt -> Ptr CITimerSpec -> Ptr CITimerSpec -> IO CInt
foreign import capi "time.h timer_delete"
c_timer_delete :: CTimer -> IO CInt
data PosixTimer = PosixTimer {
ctimer :: CTimer,
callbackPtr :: (FunPtr SigevNotifyFunction)
instance IsDisposable PosixTimer where
toDisposable = undefined
newUnmanagedPosixTimer :: CClockId -> IO () -> IO PosixTimer
newUnmanagedPosixTimer clockId callback = runInBoundThread do
callbackPtr <- mkSigevNotifyFunction (const callback)
ctimer <- alloca \ctimerPtr -> do
alloca \sigevent -> do
poke sigevent $ CSigEventThreadCallback callbackPtr
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "timer_create" do
c_timer_create c_CLOCK_BOOTTIME sigevent ctimerPtr
peek ctimerPtr
pure $ PosixTimer { ctimer, callbackPtr }
setPosixTimer :: PosixTimer -> Maybe CTimeSpec -> IO ()
setPosixTimer PosixTimer{ctimer} timeSpec = do
alloca \newValue -> do
poke newValue $ defaultCITimerSpec {
it_value = fromMaybe defaultCTimeSpec timeSpec
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "timer_settime" do
c_timer_settime ctimer 0 newValue nullPtr
setPosixIntervalTimer :: PosixTimer -> CITimerSpec -> IO ()
setPosixIntervalTimer PosixTimer{ctimer} iTimerSpec = do
alloca \newValue -> do
poke newValue iTimerSpec
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "timer_settime" do
c_timer_settime ctimer 0 newValue nullPtr
boottime :: IO ()
boottime = runInBoundThread do
callbackPtr <- mkSigevNotifyFunction callback
ctimer <- alloca \ctimerPtr -> do
alloca \sigevent -> do
poke sigevent $ CSigEventThreadCallback callbackPtr
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "timer_create" do
c_timer_create c_CLOCK_BOOTTIME sigevent ctimerPtr
peek ctimerPtr
alloca \newValue -> do
poke newValue oneSecond
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "timer_settime" do
c_timer_settime ctimer 0 newValue nullPtr
oneSecond = defaultCITimerSpec {
it_value = defaultCTimeSpec {
tv_sec = 1
callback :: Ptr Void -> IO ()
callback _ = traceIO "callback"
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