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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module QBar.Core where

import QBar.Pango

import Control.Exception (catch, finally, IOException)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Event as Event
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Aeson.TH
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TIO
import Numeric (showHex)
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process.Typed (shell, withProcessWait, setStdin, setStdout, getStdout, closed, createPipe, readProcessStdout)

import Data.Colour.RGBSpace

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data BlockOutput = BlockOutput {
  values :: HM.HashMap T.Text T.Text,
  clickAction :: Maybe (Click -> IO ())
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instance Show BlockOutput where
  show BlockOutput{values} = show values

data Click = Click {
  name :: T.Text,
  button :: Int
} deriving Show
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Click)

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type BlockProducer = Producer BlockOutput IO ()

data BarUpdateChannel = BarUpdateChannel (IO ())
type BarUpdateEvent = Event.Event

defaultColor :: T.Text
defaultColor = "#969896"

activeColor :: T.Text
activeColor = "#ffffff"

updatingColor :: T.Text
--updatingColor = "#444444"
updatingColor = "#96989677"

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createBlock :: T.Text -> BlockOutput
createBlock text = setColor defaultColor $ BlockOutput {
  values = HM.singleton "full_text" text,
  clickAction = Nothing

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createErrorBlock :: T.Text -> BlockOutput
createErrorBlock = setColor "ff0000" . createBlock

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setValue :: T.Text -> T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
setValue key val block = block {
  values = HM.insert key val (values block)

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getValue :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> Maybe T.Text
getValue key block = HM.lookup key (values block)

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adjustValue :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
adjustValue f k block = block {
  values = HM.adjust f k (values block)

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emptyBlock :: BlockOutput
emptyBlock = createBlock ""

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shortText :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
shortText = setValue "short_text"

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fullText :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
fullText = setValue "full_text"

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getFullText :: BlockOutput -> T.Text
getFullText = fromMaybe "" . getValue "full_text"

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setColor :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
setColor = setValue "color"

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setBlockName :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
setBlockName = setValue "name"

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getBlockName :: BlockOutput -> Maybe T.Text
getBlockName = getValue "name"

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pangoMarkup :: BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
pangoMarkup = setValue "markup" "pango"

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adjustText :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
adjustText f = adjustValue f "full_text" . adjustValue f "short_text"

coloredText :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
coloredText color text = "<span color='" <> color <> "'>" <> text <> "</span>"

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addIcon :: T.Text -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
addIcon icon block = prefixIcon "full_text" $ prefixIcon "short_text" block
    prefixIcon = adjustValue ((icon <> " ") <>)

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removePango :: BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
removePango block
  | getValue "markup" block == Just "pango" = adjustText removePangoFromText $ block {
      values = HM.delete "markup" (values block)
  | otherwise = block
    removePangoFromText :: T.Text -> T.Text
    removePangoFromText text =
      case parsePango text of
        Left _ -> text
        Right parsed -> removeFormatting parsed

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modify :: (BlockOutput -> BlockOutput) -> Pipe BlockOutput BlockOutput IO ()
modify =

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autoPadding :: Pipe BlockOutput BlockOutput IO ()
autoPadding = autoPadding' 0 0
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    autoPadding' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Pipe BlockOutput BlockOutput IO ()
    autoPadding' fullLength shortLength = do
      block <- await
      let values' = (values block)
      let fullLength' = T.length $ HM.lookupDefault "" "full_text" values'
      let shortLength' = T.length $ HM.lookupDefault "" "short_text" values'
      let values'' = HM.adjust (<> (T.take (fullLength - fullLength') $ T.repeat ' ')) "full_text" values'
      let values''' = HM.adjust (<> (T.take (shortLength - shortLength') $ T.repeat ' ')) "short_text" values''
      yield block { values = values''' }
      autoPadding' (max fullLength fullLength') (max shortLength shortLength')

-- | Create a shared interval. Takes a BarUpdateChannel to signal bar updates and an interval (in seconds).Data.Maybe
-- Returns an IO action that can be used to attach blocks to the shared interval and an async that contains a reference to the scheduler thread.
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sharedInterval :: BarUpdateChannel -> Int -> IO (IO BlockOutput -> BlockProducer, Async ())
sharedInterval barUpdateChannel seconds = do
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  clientsMVar <- newMVar ([] :: [(IO BlockOutput, Output BlockOutput)])

  task <- async $ forever $ do
    threadDelay $ seconds * 1000000
    -- Updates all client blocks
    -- If send returns 'False' the clients mailbox has been closed, so it is removed
    modifyMVar_ clientsMVar (fmap catMaybes . mapConcurrently runAndFilterClient)
    -- Then update the bar
    updateBar barUpdateChannel

  return (addClient clientsMVar, task)
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      runAndFilterClient :: (IO BlockOutput, Output BlockOutput) -> IO (Maybe (IO BlockOutput, Output BlockOutput))
      runAndFilterClient client = do
        result <- runClient client
        return $ if result then Just client else Nothing
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      runClient :: (IO BlockOutput, Output BlockOutput) -> IO Bool
      runClient (blockAction, output) = do
        result <- blockAction
        atomically $ send output result {
          clickAction = Just (updateClickHandler result)
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          updateClickHandler :: BlockOutput -> Click -> IO ()
          updateClickHandler block _ = do
            -- Give user feedback that the block is updating
            let outdatedBlock = setColor updatingColor $ removePango block
            void $ atomically $ send output $ outdatedBlock
            -- Notify bar about changed block state to display the feedback
            updateBar barUpdateChannel
            -- Run a normal block update to update the block to the new value
            void $ runClient (blockAction, output)
            -- Notify bar about changed block state, this is usually done by the shared interval handler
            updateBar barUpdateChannel
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      addClient :: MVar [(IO BlockOutput, Output BlockOutput)] -> IO BlockOutput -> BlockProducer
      addClient clientsMVar blockAction = do
        -- Spawn the mailbox that preserves the latest block
        (output, input) <- lift $ spawn $ latest emptyBlock

        -- Generate initial block and send it to the mailbox
        lift $ void $ runClient (blockAction, output)

        -- Register the client for regular updates
        lift $ modifyMVar_ clientsMVar $ \ clients -> return ((blockAction, output):clients)

        -- Return a block producer from the mailbox
        fromInput input

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blockScript :: FilePath -> IO BlockOutput
blockScript path = do
  -- The exit code is used for i3blocks signaling but ignored here (=not implemented)
  -- I am trying to replace i3blocks scripts with native haskell blocks, so I do not need it
  (exitCode, output) <- readProcessStdout $ shell path
  case exitCode of
    ExitSuccess -> return $ case map E.decodeUtf8 (C8.lines output) of
      (text:short:color:_) -> setColor color $ shortText short $ createScriptBlock text
      (text:short:_) -> shortText short $ createScriptBlock text
      (text:_) -> createScriptBlock text
      [] -> createScriptBlock "-"
    (ExitFailure nr) -> return $ createErrorBlock $ "[" <> (T.pack $ show nr) <> "]"
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    createScriptBlock :: T.Text -> BlockOutput
    createScriptBlock text = pangoMarkup $ setBlockName (T.pack path) $ createBlock text

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startPersistentBlockScript :: BarUpdateChannel -> FilePath -> Producer BlockOutput IO ()
startPersistentBlockScript barUpdateChannel path = do
  (output, input, seal) <- lift $ spawn' $ latest $ emptyBlock
  initialDataEvent <- lift $
  task <- lift $ async $ do
    let processConfig = setStdin closed $ setStdout createPipe $ shell path
    finally (
      catch (
        withProcessWait processConfig $ \ process -> do
          let handle = getStdout process
          runEffect $ (fromHandle handle) >-> signalFirstBlock initialDataEvent >-> toOutput output
        ( \ e ->
          -- output error
          runEffect $ (yield $ createErrorBlock $ "[" <> (T.pack $ show (e :: IOException)) <> "]") >-> signalFirstBlock initialDataEvent >-> toOutput output
      (atomically seal)
  lift $ link task
  lift $ Event.wait initialDataEvent
  fromInput input
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    signalFirstBlock :: Event.Event -> Pipe BlockOutput BlockOutput IO ()
    signalFirstBlock event = do
      -- Await first block
      await >>= yield
      lift $ Event.set event
      -- Replace with cat
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    fromHandle :: Handle -> Producer BlockOutput IO ()
    fromHandle handle = forever $ do
      line <- lift $ TIO.hGetLine handle
      yield $ pangoMarkup $ createBlock line
      lift $ updateBar barUpdateChannel

pangoColor :: RGB Double -> T.Text
pangoColor (RGB r g b) =
  let r' = hexColorComponent r
      g' = hexColorComponent g
      b' = hexColorComponent b
  in "#" <> r' <> g' <> b'
    hexColorComponent :: Double -> T.Text
    hexColorComponent val = paddedHexComponent $ T.pack $ showHex (max 0 $ min 255 $ (truncate (val * 255) :: Int)) ""
    paddedHexComponent hex =
      let len = 2 - T.length hex
          padding = if len == 1 then "0" else ""
      in padding <> hex

updateBar :: BarUpdateChannel -> IO ()
updateBar (BarUpdateChannel updateAction) = updateAction