-- |Special block that reads the processes stdin line-by-line and shows the latest line in the block. Must never be used in a 'server' process or when stdin/stdout is used in another way.
command"server"(info(runBarServer<$>barConfigurationParser)(progDesc"Start a new qbar server. Should be called by swaybar, i3bar or or another i3bar-protocol compatible host process."))<>
command"connect"(info(sendBlockStream<$>barConfigurationParser)(progDesc"Run blocks on this process but display them on the qbar server."))<>
command"pipe"(info(sendBlockStream<$>pipeBlockParser)(progDesc"Redirects the stdin of this process to a running bar."))<>
command"theme"(infothemeCommandParser(progDesc"Change the theme of the running qbar server."))<>
command"default"(info(pure$sendIpc.SetTheme$"default")(progDesc"Shortcut for 'qbar theme default'."))<>
command"rainbow"(info(pure$sendIpc.SetTheme$"rainbow")(progDesc"Shortcut for 'qbar theme rainbow'."))