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Commit 7245fc09 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
Browse files

Allow configuration of blocks from cli

This reverses the control flow between 'Cli' and 'Server'
parent 109cbc0b
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module Main where
import QBar.Cli
import QBar.DefaultConfig
import QBar.Server
main :: IO ()
main = parseOptions >>= runQBar generateDefaultBarConfig
\ No newline at end of file
main = runQBar
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,47 +2,55 @@
module QBar.Cli where
import QBar.ControlSocket
import QBar.Core
import QBar.DefaultConfig
import QBar.Server
import QBar.Theme
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Control.Monad (join, sequence_)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Options.Applicative
data BarCommand = BarServerCommand | SetThemeCommand Text | ConnectSocket
-- |Entry point.
runQBar :: IO ()
runQBar = join parseMain
barCommandParser :: Parser BarCommand
barCommandParser = hsubparser (
command "server" (info (pure BarServerCommand) (progDesc "Start a new qbar server. Should be called by swaybar, i3bar or or another i3bar-protocol compatible host process.")) <>
command "connect" (info (pure ConnectSocket) (progDesc "Run blocks on this process but display them on the qbar server.")) <>
command "theme" (info themeCommandParser (progDesc "Change the theme of the running qbar server.")) <>
command "default" (info (pure $ SetThemeCommand "default") (progDesc "Shortcut for 'qbar theme default'.")) <>
command "rainbow" (info (pure $ SetThemeCommand "rainbow") (progDesc "Shortcut for 'qbar theme rainbow'."))
themeCommandParser :: Parser BarCommand
themeCommandParser = SetThemeCommand <$> strArgument (metavar "THEME" <> completeWith (map TL.unpack themeNames))
parseMain :: IO (IO ())
parseMain = customExecParser parserPrefs parser
parser :: ParserInfo (IO ())
parser = info (mainParser <**> helper)
(fullDesc <> header "qbar - queezles {i3,sway}bar infrastructure")
data MainOptions = MainOptions {
verbose :: Bool,
indicator :: Bool,
socketLocation :: Maybe T.Text,
barCommand :: BarCommand
parserPrefs :: ParserPrefs
parserPrefs = prefs showHelpOnEmpty
mainOptionsParser :: Parser MainOptions
mainOptionsParser = do
mainParser :: Parser (IO ())
mainParser = do
verbose <- switch $ long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Print more diagnostic output to stderr (including a copy of every bar update)."
indicator <- switch $ long "indicator" <> short 'i' <> help "Show render indicator."
socketLocation <- optional $ strOption $ long "socket" <> short 's' <> metavar "SOCKET" <> help "Control socket location. By default determined by WAYLAND_SOCKET location."
barCommand <- barCommandParser
return MainOptions {verbose, indicator, socketLocation, barCommand}
return (barCommand MainOptions {verbose, indicator, socketLocation})
parser :: ParserInfo MainOptions
parser = info (mainOptionsParser <**> helper)
(fullDesc <> header "qbar - queezles {i3,sway}bar infrastructure")
parserPrefs :: ParserPrefs
parserPrefs = prefs showHelpOnEmpty
barCommandParser :: Parser (MainOptions -> IO ())
barCommandParser = hsubparser (
command "server" (info (runBarServer <$> barConfigurationParser) (progDesc "Start a new qbar server. Should be called by swaybar, i3bar or or another i3bar-protocol compatible host process.")) <>
command "connect" (info (sendBlockStream <$> barConfigurationParser) (progDesc "Run blocks on this process but display them on the qbar server.")) <>
command "theme" (info themeCommandParser (progDesc "Change the theme of the running qbar server.")) <>
command "default" (info (pure $ sendIpc . SetTheme $ "default") (progDesc "Shortcut for 'qbar theme default'.")) <>
command "rainbow" (info (pure $ sendIpc . SetTheme $ "rainbow") (progDesc "Shortcut for 'qbar theme rainbow'."))
parseOptions :: IO MainOptions
parseOptions = customExecParser parserPrefs parser
\ No newline at end of file
themeCommandParser :: Parser (MainOptions -> IO ())
themeCommandParser = sendIpc . SetTheme <$> strArgument (metavar "THEME" <> completeWith (map T.unpack themeNames))
barConfigurationParser :: Parser (BarIO ())
barConfigurationParser = do
blocks <- many $ hsubparser (
command "default" (info (pure defaultBarConfig) (progDesc "Load default set of blocks."))
pure $ case blocks of
[] -> defaultBarConfig
l -> sequence_ l
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
module QBar.ControlSocket where
import QBar.BlockOutput
import QBar.Cli (MainOptions(..))
import QBar.Core
import QBar.Host
import QBar.Util
......@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@ import System.IO
import Data.Either (either)
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Network.Socket
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent as PC (Output, spawn', unbounded, fromInput, send, atomically)
......@@ -110,12 +108,15 @@ instance IsStream BlockStream where
type Down BlockStream = BlockEvent
toStreamType = BlockStreamType
streamHandler _ = do
(cache, updateC, seal) <- newCache'
(cache, updateCacheC, sealCache) <- newCache'
(eventOutput, eventInput, eventSeal) <- liftIO $ spawn' unbounded
bar <- askBar
addBlock cache
prefix <- liftIO $ (<> "_") <$> randomIdentifier
return (updateBarP bar >-> attachHandlerP eventOutput prefix >-> updateC, fromInput eventInput, seal >> atomically eventSeal)
let blockConsumer = updateBarP bar >-> attachHandlerP eventOutput prefix >-> updateCacheC
let eventProducer = fromInput eventInput
let seal = sealCache >> atomically eventSeal >> updateBar' bar
return (blockConsumer, eventProducer, seal)
attachHandlerP :: Output BlockEvent -> Text -> Pipe [BlockOutput] [BlockState] IO ()
attachHandlerP eventOutput prefix = attachHandlerP'
......@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ instance IsStream BlockStream where
data Request = Command Command | StartStream StreamType
data Command = SetTheme TL.Text
data Command = SetTheme T.Text
deriving Show
data CommandResult = Success | Error Text
......@@ -189,8 +190,8 @@ $(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''CommandResult)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''StreamType)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockStream)
sendIpc :: MainOptions -> Command -> IO ()
sendIpc options@MainOptions{verbose} command = do
sendIpc :: Command -> MainOptions -> IO ()
sendIpc command options@MainOptions{verbose} = do
let request = Command command
sock <- connectIpcSocket options
runEffect $ encode request >-> toSocket sock
......@@ -206,8 +207,8 @@ sendIpc options@MainOptions{verbose} command = do
showResponse Success = when verbose $ hPutStrLn stderr "Success"
showResponse (Error message) = hPrint stderr message
sendBlockStream :: MainOptions -> BarIO () -> IO ()
sendBlockStream = runBarHost . streamClient BlockStream
sendBlockStream :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
sendBlockStream loadBlocks options = runBarHost (streamClient BlockStream options) loadBlocks
listenUnixSocketAsync :: MainOptions -> Bar -> CommandHandler -> IO (Async ())
......@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ import System.Process.Typed (Process, shell, setStdin, setStdout,
getStdout, closed, createPipe, readProcessStdout, startProcess, stopProcess)
data MainOptions = MainOptions {
verbose :: Bool,
indicator :: Bool,
socketLocation :: Maybe T.Text
data BlockEvent = Click {
name :: T.Text,
button :: Int
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import Control.Lens
blockLocation :: String -> FilePath
blockLocation name = "~/.config/qbar/blocks/" <> name
generateDefaultBarConfig :: BarIO ()
generateDefaultBarConfig = do
defaultBarConfig :: BarIO ()
defaultBarConfig = do
systemInfoInterval <- sharedInterval 10
let todo = systemInfoInterval (blockScript $ blockLocation "todo")
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ module QBar.Server where
import QBar.BlockOutput
import QBar.Core
import QBar.Cli
import QBar.ControlSocket
import QBar.Host
import QBar.Pango
......@@ -117,8 +116,8 @@ swayBarOutput options@MainOptions{indicator} = do
pangoBlockName = _blockName
runBarServer :: MainOptions -> BarIO () -> IO ()
runBarServer options = runBarHost barServer
runBarServer :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
runBarServer loadBlocks options = runBarHost barServer loadBlocks
barServer :: BarIO (Consumer [BlockOutput] IO (), Producer BlockEvent IO ())
barServer = do
......@@ -190,12 +189,3 @@ runBarServer options = runBarHost barServer
Right theme -> do
setTheme' theme
return Success
-- |Entry point.
runQBar :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
runQBar barConfiguration options@MainOptions{barCommand} = runCommand barCommand
runCommand BarServerCommand = runBarServer options barConfiguration
runCommand ConnectSocket = sendBlockStream options barConfiguration
runCommand (SetThemeCommand themeName) = sendIpc options $ SetTheme themeName
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