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Commit 7f4d66c8 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
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Rewrite cachePushBlock

parent 2eb74913
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......@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ runBarIO bar action = liftIO $ runReaderT (runSafeT action) bar
defaultInterval :: Interval
defaultInterval = everyNSeconds 10
-- |Converts a 'PullBlock' to a 'PushBlock' by running it whenever the 'defaultInterval' is triggered.
schedulePullBlock :: PullBlock -> PushBlock
schedulePullBlock pullBlock = PushMode <$ pullBlock >-> sleepToNextInterval
......@@ -189,45 +190,50 @@ schedulePullBlock pullBlock = PushMode <$ pullBlock >-> sleepToNextInterval
triggerOnClick :: Event -> BlockEvent -> BarIO ()
triggerOnClick event _ = liftIO $ Event.signal event
newCache :: Producer [BlockState] IO () -> BlockCache
-- |Creates a new cache from a producer that automatically seals itself when the producer terminates.
newCache :: Producer [BlockState] BarIO () -> BlockCache
newCache input = newCacheInternal =<< newCache''
newCacheInternal :: (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> IO Bool, IO ()) -> BlockCache
newCacheInternal (cache, update, seal) = do
liftIO $ link =<< async updateTask
task <- barAsync updateTask
liftIO $ link task
updateTask :: IO ()
updateTask :: BarIO ()
updateTask = do
runEffect (input >-> forever (await >>= liftIO . update))
liftIO seal
newCache' :: (MonadIO m) => m (BlockCache, Consumer [BlockState] IO (), IO ())
-- |Create a new cache. The result is a tuple of the cache, a consumer that can be used to update the cache and an action that seals the cache.
newCache' :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m2, MonadIO m3) => m (BlockCache, Consumer [BlockState] m2 (), m3 ())
newCache' = do
(cache, update, seal) <- newCache''
return (cache, cacheUpdateConsumer update, seal)
cacheUpdateConsumer :: ([BlockState] -> IO Bool) -> Consumer [BlockState] IO ()
cacheUpdateConsumer :: MonadIO m2 => ([BlockState] -> IO Bool) -> Consumer [BlockState] m2 ()
cacheUpdateConsumer update = do
v <- await
result <- liftIO $ update v
when result $ cacheUpdateConsumer update
newCache'' :: (MonadIO m) => m (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> IO Bool, IO ())
-- |Low-level function to create a new cache. The result is a tuple of the cache, an action can be used to update the cache (it returns 'False'
-- |if the cache is sealed) and an action that seals the cache.
newCache'' :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m2, MonadIO m3) => m (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> m2 Bool, m3 ())
newCache'' = do
store <- liftIO $ newMVar (Just [])
newCacheInternal store
newCacheInternal :: MonadIO m => MVar (Maybe [BlockState]) -> m (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> IO Bool, IO ())
newCacheInternal :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m2, MonadIO m3) => MVar (Maybe [BlockState]) -> m (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> m2 Bool, m3 ())
newCacheInternal store = return (cache, update, seal)
update :: [BlockState] -> IO Bool
update value = modifyMVar store $ \old ->
update :: MonadIO m => [BlockState] -> m Bool
update value = liftIO $ modifyMVar store $ \old ->
return $ case old of
Nothing -> (Nothing, False)
Just _ -> (Just value, True)
seal :: IO ()
seal = void . swapMVar store $ Nothing
seal :: MonadIO m => m ()
seal = liftIO . void . swapMVar store $ Nothing
cache :: BlockCache
cache = do
v <- liftIO (readMVar store)
......@@ -235,13 +241,15 @@ newCache'' = do
Nothing -> exitCache
Just value -> yield value >> cache
cacheFromInput :: Input BlockState -> BlockCache
cacheFromInput input = do
result <- liftIO $ atomically $ recv input
case result of
Nothing -> exitCache
Just value -> yield [value] >> cacheFromInput input
-- |Creates a cache from a push block.
cachePushBlock :: PushBlock -> BlockCache
cachePushBlock pushBlock = newCache $ () <$ (pushBlock >-> updateBarP)
updateBarP :: Pipe BlockUpdate [BlockState] BarIO PushMode
updateBarP = forever $ do
(state, reason) <- await
yield [state]
updateBar reason
modify :: (BlockOutput -> BlockOutput) -> Pipe BlockUpdate BlockUpdate BarIO r
......@@ -287,37 +295,7 @@ updateBarDefault = updateBar DefaultUpdate
updateBarDefault' :: MonadIO m => Bar -> m ()
updateBarDefault' bar = updateBar' bar DefaultUpdate
barAsync :: BarIO a -> BarIO (Async a)
barAsync :: MonadBarIO m => BarIO a -> m (Async a)
barAsync action = do
bar <- askBar
liftIO $ async $ runBarIO bar action
cachePushBlock :: PushBlock -> BlockCache
cachePushBlock pushBlock = lift (next pushBlock) >>= either (const exitCache) withInitialBlock
withInitialBlock :: (BlockUpdate, PushBlock) -> BlockCache
withInitialBlock (initialBlockUpdate, pushBlock') = do
let (initialBlockState, _) = initialBlockUpdate
(output, input, seal) <- liftIO $ spawn' $ latest initialBlockState
-- The async could be used to stop the block later, but for now we are just linking it to catch exceptions
task <- lift $ barAsync (sendProducerToMailbox output seal pushBlock')
liftIO $ link task
cacheFromInput input
sendProducerToMailbox :: Output BlockState -> STM () -> PushBlock -> BarIO ()
sendProducerToMailbox output seal pushBlock' = do
-- Send push block output to mailbox until it terminates
void $ runEffect $ for pushBlock' (sendOutputToMailbox output)
-- Then clear the block and seal the mailbox
liftIO $ atomically $ void $ send output Nothing
-- TODO: pass reason from BlockUpdate
-- TODO: sealing does prevent a 'latest' mailbox from being read
liftIO $ atomically seal
sendOutputToMailbox :: Output BlockState -> BlockUpdate -> Effect BarIO ()
sendOutputToMailbox output blockUpdate = do
let (state, _reason) = blockUpdate
-- The void is discarding the boolean result that indicates if the mailbox is sealed
-- This is ok because a cached block is never sealed from the receiving side
liftIO $ atomically $ void $ send output state
-- TODO signal update reason to renderer
lift updateBarDefault
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