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Commit 901767b8 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
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Split 'Server' into generic 'Host' and sway/i3-bar specific 'Server'

parent 95d4359f
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
module QBar.Host where
import QBar.BlockOutput
import QBar.Core
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, forkFinally, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Event as Event
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan, newTChanIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan, newTChanIO, tryReadTChan)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Lens hiding (each, (.=))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Pipes
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
import System.Posix.Signals
data HostHandle = HostHandle {
barUpdateEvent :: BarUpdateEvent,
newBlockChan :: TChan CachedBlock,
eventHandlerListIORef :: IORef [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)]
installSignalHandlers :: Bar -> IO ()
installSignalHandlers bar = void $ installHandler sigCONT (Catch sigContAction) Nothing
sigContAction :: IO ()
sigContAction = do
hPutStrLn stderr "SIGCONT received"
updateBar' bar
eventDispatcher :: IORef [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)] -> Consumer BlockEvent BarIO ()
eventDispatcher eventHandlerListIORef = eventDispatcher'
eventDispatcher' :: Consumer BlockEvent BarIO ()
eventDispatcher' = do
blockEvent <- await
bar <- askBar
eventHandlerList <- liftIO $ readIORef eventHandlerListIORef
let maybeEventHandler = getEventHandler eventHandlerList blockEvent
case maybeEventHandler of
Just eventHandler -> liftIO . void . forkIO $ catch (runBarIO bar $ eventHandler blockEvent) (\(e :: SomeException) -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "event handler failed: " <> show e)
Nothing -> return ()
getEventHandler :: [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)] -> BlockEvent -> Maybe BlockEventHandler
getEventHandler eventHandlerList blockEvent = lookup (name blockEvent) eventHandlerList
runBlocks :: HostHandle -> Producer [BlockOutput] BarIO ()
runBlocks HostHandle{barUpdateEvent, newBlockChan, eventHandlerListIORef} = runBlocks' []
runBlocks' :: [CachedBlock] -> Producer [BlockOutput] BarIO ()
runBlocks' blocks = do
liftIO $ do
-- Wait for an update request
Event.wait barUpdateEvent
-- Wait for 10ms after first events to catch (almost-)simultaneous event updates
threadDelay 10000
Event.clear barUpdateEvent
blocks' <- lift $ addNewBlocks blocks
(blockStates, blocks'') <- lift $ getBlockStates blocks'
-- Pass blocks to output
yield $ map fst $ catMaybes blockStates
-- Register new event handlers immediately after rendering
liftIO $ updateEventHandlers blockStates
-- Wait for 90ms after rendering a line to limit cpu load of rapid events
liftIO $ threadDelay 90000
-- Loop
runBlocks' blocks''
addNewBlocks :: [CachedBlock] -> BarIO [CachedBlock]
addNewBlocks blocks = do
maybeNewBlock <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTChan newBlockChan
case maybeNewBlock of
Nothing -> return blocks
Just newBlock -> addNewBlocks (newBlock:blocks)
runBarHost :: (TChan CachedBlock -> BarUpdateEvent -> BarIO ()) -> IO ()
runBarHost host = do
getBlockStates :: [CachedBlock] -> BarIO ([BlockState], [CachedBlock])
getBlockStates blocks = unzip . catMaybes <$> mapM getBlockState blocks
getBlockState :: CachedBlock -> BarIO (Maybe (BlockState, CachedBlock))
getBlockState producer = do
next' <- next producer
return $ case next' of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right (blockState, newProducer) -> Just (blockState, newProducer)
updateEventHandlers :: [BlockState] -> IO ()
updateEventHandlers blockStates =
writeIORef eventHandlerListIORef eventHandlerList
eventHandlerList :: [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)]
eventHandlerList = mapMaybe getEventHandler $ blockStates
getEventHandler :: BlockState -> Maybe (T.Text, BlockEventHandler)
getEventHandler Nothing = Nothing
getEventHandler (Just (_, Nothing)) = Nothing
getEventHandler (Just (blockOutput, Just eventHandler)) = do
blockName' <- blockOutput^.blockName
return (blockName', eventHandler)
filterDuplicates :: (Monad m, Eq a) => Pipe a a m r
filterDuplicates = do
value <- await
yield value
filterDuplicates' value
filterDuplicates' :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Pipe a a m r
filterDuplicates' lastValue = do
value <- await
when (lastValue /= value) $ yield value
filterDuplicates' value
runBarHost :: Consumer [BlockOutput] BarIO ()
-> Producer BlockEvent BarIO ()
-> IO ()
runBarHost host barEventProducer = do
-- Create an event used to signal bar updates
barUpdateEvent <- Event.newSet
let requestBarUpdate = Event.set barUpdateEvent
......@@ -15,4 +137,23 @@ runBarHost host = do
newBlockChan <- newTChanIO
let bar = Bar { requestBarUpdate, newBlockChan }
runBarIO bar (host newBlockChan barUpdateEvent)
-- Install signal handler for SIGCONT
installSignalHandlers bar
-- Create IORef for event handlers
eventHandlerListIORef <- newIORef []
let hostHandle = HostHandle {
let handleStdin = runEffect $ barEventProducer >-> eventDispatcher eventHandlerListIORef
-- Fork stdin handler
void $ forkFinally (runBarIO bar handleStdin) (\result -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "handleStdin failed: " <> show result)
-- Run bar host
runBarIO bar $ runEffect $ runBlocks hostHandle >-> filterDuplicates >-> host
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
module QBar.Server where
import QBar.Blocks
import QBar.BlockOutput
import QBar.BlockText
import QBar.Core
......@@ -10,45 +11,26 @@ import QBar.Filter
import QBar.Host
import QBar.Themes
import Control.Monad (forever, when, unless)
import Control.Monad (forever, when, unless, forM_)
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkFinally)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Event as Event
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan, newTChanIO, readTChan, tryReadTChan)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (newTChanIO, readTChan)
import Data.Aeson (encode, decode, ToJSON, toJSON, object, (.=))
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (hPut)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSSC8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Pipes
import System.IO (stdin, stdout, stderr, hFlush, hPutStrLn)
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.IO (stdin, stdout, stderr, hFlush)
import Control.Lens hiding (each, (.=))
data Handle = Handle {
handleActionList :: IORef [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)],
handleActiveFilter :: IORef Filter
renderIndicator :: CachedBlock
-- Using 'cachedBlock' is a hack to actually get the block to update on every bar update (by doing this it will not get a cache later in the pipeline).
renderIndicator = forever $ each $ map (mkBlockState . mkBlockOutput . normalText) ["/", "-", "\\", "|"]
runBlock :: CachedBlock -> BarIO (Maybe (BlockState, CachedBlock))
runBlock producer = do
next' <- next producer
return $ case next' of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right (blockState, newProducer) -> Just (blockState, newProducer)
runBlocks :: [CachedBlock] -> BarIO ([BlockState], [CachedBlock])
runBlocks blocks = unzip . catMaybes <$> mapM runBlock blocks
data RenderBlock = RenderBlock T.Text (Maybe T.Text) (Maybe T.Text)
instance ToJSON RenderBlock where
......@@ -56,195 +38,100 @@ instance ToJSON RenderBlock where
fullText'' <> shortText'' <> blockName'' <> pango''
fullText'' = [ "full_text" .= fullText' ]
shortText'' = fromMaybe (\s -> ["short_text".=s]) mempty shortText'
blockName'' = fromMaybe (\s -> ["name".=s]) mempty blockName'
shortText'' = fromMaybe (\s -> ["short_text" .= s]) mempty shortText'
blockName'' = fromMaybe (\s -> ["name" .= s]) mempty blockName'
pango'' = [ "markup" .= ("pango" :: T.Text) ]
-- |A consumer that accepts lists of 'BlockOutput' and renders them to stdout using the {sway,i3}bar-protocol.
swayBarOutput :: MainOptions -> Consumer [BlockOutput] BarIO ()
swayBarOutput MainOptions{verbose} = do
-- Output header
liftIO $ do
putStrLn "{\"version\":1,\"click_events\":true}"
putStrLn "["
renderLoop :: MainOptions -> Handle -> BarUpdateEvent -> BS.ByteString -> TChan CachedBlock -> BarIO ()
renderLoop options handle@Handle{handleActiveFilter} barUpdateEvent previousBarOutput newBlockChan = renderLoop' previousBarOutput []
addNewBlocks :: [CachedBlock] -> BarIO [CachedBlock]
addNewBlocks blocks = do
maybeNewBlock <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTChan newBlockChan
case maybeNewBlock of
Nothing -> return blocks
Just newBlock -> addNewBlocks (newBlock:blocks)
renderLoop' :: BS.ByteString -> [CachedBlock] -> BarIO ()
renderLoop' previousBarOutput' blocks = do
blockFilter <- liftIO $ readIORef handleActiveFilter
-- Wait for an event (unless the filter is animated)
unless (isAnimatedFilter blockFilter) $ liftIO $ Event.wait barUpdateEvent
-- Wait for 10ms after first events to catch (almost-)simultaneous event updates
liftIO $ threadDelay 10000
liftIO $ Event.clear barUpdateEvent
blocks' <- addNewBlocks blocks
(blockStates, blocks'') <- runBlocks blocks'
currentBarOutput <- liftIO $ renderLine options handle blockFilter blockStates previousBarOutput'
-- Wait for 100ms after rendering a line to limit cpu load of rapid events
liftIO $ threadDelay 100000
renderLoop' currentBarOutput blocks''
renderLine :: MainOptions -> Handle -> Filter -> [BlockState] -> BS.ByteString -> IO BS.ByteString
renderLine MainOptions{verbose} Handle{handleActionList} blockFilter blockStates previousEncodedOutput = do
time <- fromRational . toRational <$> getPOSIXTime
let blockOutputs = map fst $ catMaybes blockStates
let filteredBlocks = applyFilter blockFilter time blockOutputs
-- let encodedOutput = encode $ map values filteredBlocks
let encodedOutput = encodeOutput filteredBlocks
let changed = previousEncodedOutput /= encodedOutput
when changed $ do
hPut stdout encodedOutput
putStrLn ","
hFlush stdout
-- Echo output to stderr when verbose flag is set
when verbose $ do
hPut stderr encodedOutput
hPut stderr "\n"
hFlush stderr
when verbose $ unless changed $ hPutStrLn stderr "Output unchanged"
-- Register all event handlers regardless of bar changes, because we cannot easily check if any handler has changed
writeIORef handleActionList eventHandlerList
return encodedOutput
theme :: Theme
theme = defaultTheme
swayBarOutput' :: Consumer [BlockOutput] BarIO ()
swayBarOutput' = do
blocks <- await
let encodedOutput = encodeOutput blocks
liftIO $ do
hPut stdout encodedOutput
putStrLn ","
hFlush stdout
-- Echo output to stderr when verbose flag is set
when verbose $ do
hPut stderr encodedOutput
hPut stderr "\n"
hFlush stderr
encodeOutput :: [BlockOutput] -> BS.ByteString
encodeOutput bs = encode $ zipWith encodeBlock bs $ theme bs
encodeOutput bs = encode $ zipWith encodeBlock bs $ defaultTheme bs
encodeBlock :: BlockOutput -> (T.Text, Maybe T.Text) -> RenderBlock
encodeBlock b (fullText', shortText') = RenderBlock fullText' shortText' (b^.blockName)
eventHandlerList :: [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)]
eventHandlerList = mapMaybe getEventHandler $ blockStates
getEventHandler :: BlockState -> Maybe (T.Text, BlockEventHandler)
getEventHandler Nothing = Nothing
getEventHandler (Just (_, Nothing)) = Nothing
getEventHandler (Just (blockOutput, Just eventHandler)) = do
blockName' <- blockOutput^.blockName
return (blockName', eventHandler)
createBarUpdateChannel :: IO (IO (), BarUpdateEvent)
createBarUpdateChannel = do
event <- Event.newSet
return (Event.set event, event)
-- |A producer that reads swaybar/i3bar-input events from stdin and emits them as 'BlockEvent's.
swayBarInput :: MainOptions -> Producer BlockEvent BarIO ()
swayBarInput MainOptions{verbose} = swayBarInput'
swayBarInput' :: Producer BlockEvent BarIO ()
swayBarInput' = do
line <- liftIO $ BSSC8.hGetLine stdin
handleStdin :: MainOptions -> IORef [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)] -> BarIO ()
handleStdin options eventHandlerListIORef = do
bar <- askBar
liftIO $ forever $ do
line <- BSSC8.hGetLine stdin
unless (line == "[") $ do
-- Echo input to stderr when verbose flag is set
when verbose $ liftIO $ do
liftIO $ BSSC8.hPutStrLn stderr line
hFlush stderr
unless (line == "[") $ do
-- Echo input to stderr when verbose flag is set
when (verbose options) $ do
BSSC8.hPutStrLn stderr line
hFlush stderr
let maybeBlockEvent = decode $ removeComma $ BS.fromStrict line
forM_ maybeBlockEvent yield
let maybeBlockEvent = decode $ removeComma $ BS.fromStrict line
case maybeBlockEvent of
Just blockEvent -> do
eventHandlerList <- readIORef eventHandlerListIORef
let maybeEventHandler = getEventHandler eventHandlerList blockEvent
case maybeEventHandler of
Just eventHandler -> async (runBarIO bar (eventHandler blockEvent)) >>= link
Nothing -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
getEventHandler :: [(T.Text, BlockEventHandler)] -> BlockEvent -> Maybe BlockEventHandler
getEventHandler eventHandlerList blockEvent = lookup (name blockEvent) eventHandlerList
removeComma :: C8.ByteString -> C8.ByteString
removeComma line
| C8.head line == ',' = C8.tail line
| C8.last line == ',' = C8.init line
| otherwise = line
installSignalHandlers :: BarIO ()
installSignalHandlers = do
bar <- askBar
liftIO $ void $ installHandler sigCONT (Catch (sigContAction bar)) Nothing
sigContAction :: Bar -> IO ()
sigContAction bar = do
hPutStrLn stderr "SIGCONT received"
updateBar' bar
renderInitialBlocks :: MainOptions -> Handle -> Filter -> IO C8.ByteString
renderInitialBlocks options handle blockFilter = do
date <- dateBlockOutput
let initialBlocks = [mkBlockState date]
-- Attach spinner indicator when verbose flag is set
let initialBlocks' = if indicator options then initialBlocks <> [mkBlockState $ mkBlockOutput . normalText $ "*"] else initialBlocks
-- Render initial time block so the bar is not empty after startup
renderLine options handle blockFilter initialBlocks' ""
runBarServer :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
runBarServer defaultBarConfig options = do
putStrLn "{\"version\":1,\"click_events\":true}"
putStrLn "["
runBarHost (\newBlockChan barUpdateEvent -> do
-- Create IORef to contain the active filter
let initialBlockFilter = StaticFilter None
activeFilter <- liftIO $ newIORef initialBlockFilter
-- Create IORef for event handlers
eventHandlerListIORef <- liftIO $ newIORef []
let handle = Handle {
handleActionList = eventHandlerListIORef,
handleActiveFilter = activeFilter
initialOutput <- liftIO $ renderInitialBlocks options handle initialBlockFilter
bar <- askBar
-- Fork stdin handler
liftIO $ void $ forkFinally (runBarIO bar (handleStdin options eventHandlerListIORef)) (\result -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "handleStdin failed: " <> show result)
-- Install signal handler for SIGCONT
-- Create control socket
commandChan <- liftIO createCommandChan
controlSocketAsync <- liftIO $ listenUnixSocketAsync options commandChan
liftIO $ link controlSocketAsync
-- Update bar on control socket messages
socketUpdateAsync <- liftIO $ async $ forever $ do
command <- atomically $ readTChan commandChan
case command of
SetFilter blockFilter -> atomicWriteIORef activeFilter blockFilter
Block -> error "TODO"
updateBar' bar
liftIO $ link socketUpdateAsync
renderLoop options handle barUpdateEvent initialOutput newBlockChan
loadBlocks :: BarIO ()
loadBlocks = do
when (indicator options) $ addBlock renderIndicator
runBarServer defaultBarConfig options = runBarHost barServer (swayBarInput options)
barServer :: Consumer [BlockOutput] BarIO ()
barServer = do
-- Create IORef to contain the active filter
let initialBlockFilter = StaticFilter None
activeFilter <- liftIO $ newIORef initialBlockFilter
-- Load blocks
lift $ do
when (indicator options) $ addBlock renderIndicator
-- Create control socket
commandChan <- liftIO createCommandChan
controlSocketAsync <- liftIO $ listenUnixSocketAsync options commandChan
liftIO $ link controlSocketAsync
bar <- askBar
-- Update bar on control socket messages
socketUpdateAsync <- liftIO $ async $ forever $ do
command <- atomically $ readTChan commandChan
case command of
SetFilter blockFilter -> atomicWriteIORef activeFilter blockFilter
Block -> error "TODO"
updateBar' bar
liftIO $ link socketUpdateAsync
swayBarOutput options
createCommandChan :: IO CommandChan
createCommandChan = newTChanIO
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