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Commit d5f18388 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
Browse files

Fix render indicator by moving it to the end of the pipeline

parent eb0294f5
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......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import QBar.Pango
import QBar.Theme
import QBar.Util
import Control.Monad (forever, when, unless, forM_)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, forM_)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, link)
import Control.Concurrent.Event as Event
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar, modifyMVar_)
......@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ import Pipes.Concurrent (Input, spawn, latest, toOutput, fromInput)
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP
import System.IO (stdin, stdout, stderr, hFlush)
renderIndicator :: CachedBlock
-- Using 'cachedBlock' is a hack to actually get the block to update on every bar update (by doing this it will not get a cache later in the pipeline).
renderIndicator = forever $ each $ map (mkBlockState . mkBlockOutput . normalText) ["/", "-", "\\", "|"]
renderIndicators :: [Text]
renderIndicators = ["*"] <> cycle ["/", "-", "\\", "|"]
data PangoBlock = PangoBlock {
pangoBlockFullText :: PangoText,
......@@ -75,18 +74,27 @@ swayBarInput MainOptions{verbose} = swayBarInput'
swayBarOutput :: MainOptions -> Consumer [ThemedBlockOutput] IO ()
swayBarOutput options = do
swayBarOutput options@MainOptions{indicator} = do
-- Print header
liftIO $ do
putStrLn "{\"version\":1,\"click_events\":true}"
putStrLn "["
if indicator
then swayBarOutputWithIndicator' renderIndicators
else swayBarOutput'
swayBarOutput' :: Consumer [ThemedBlockOutput] IO ()
swayBarOutput' = do
await >>= (liftIO . outputLine options)
blockOutputs <- await
liftIO $ outputLine options blockOutputs
swayBarOutputWithIndicator' :: [Text] -> Consumer [ThemedBlockOutput] IO ()
swayBarOutputWithIndicator' [] = throw $ userError "List should be infinite"
swayBarOutputWithIndicator' (ind : inds) = do
blockOutputs <- await
liftIO $ outputLine options (blockOutputs <> [whiteThemedBlockOutput ind])
swayBarOutputWithIndicator' inds
outputLine :: MainOptions -> [ThemedBlockOutput] -> IO ()
outputLine MainOptions{verbose} themedBlocks = do
let encodedOutput = encodeOutput themedBlocks
......@@ -110,14 +118,8 @@ swayBarOutput options = do
runBarServer :: BarIO () -> MainOptions -> IO ()
runBarServer defaultBarConfig options = runBarHost barServer (swayBarInput options) loadBlocks
runBarServer defaultBarConfig options = runBarHost barServer (swayBarInput options) defaultBarConfig
loadBlocks :: BarIO ()
loadBlocks = do
-- Load blocks
when (indicator options) $ addBlock renderIndicator
barServer :: Consumer [BlockOutput] IO ()
barServer = do
-- Event to render the bar (fired when block output or theme is changed)
......@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ findTheme themeName = maybe invalidThemeName Right $ HM.lookup themeName themes
invalidThemeName = Left $ "Invalid theme: " <> themeName
mkTheme :: SimplifiedTheme -> Theme
mkTheme theming' = StaticTheme $ map themeBlock
......@@ -89,9 +88,22 @@ mkTheme theming' = StaticTheme $ map themeBlock
themeSegment :: SimplifiedTheme -> BlockTextSegment -> ThemedBlockTextSegment
themeSegment theming BlockTextSegment {active, importance, segmentText} = mkThemedSegment (theming active importance) segmentText
mkThemedBlockOutput :: (Color, Maybe Color) -> Text -> ThemedBlockOutput
mkThemedBlockOutput color text = ThemedBlockOutput {
_fullText = mkThemedText color text,
_shortText = Nothing,
_blockName = Nothing
mkThemedText :: (Color, Maybe Color) -> Text -> ThemedBlockText
mkThemedText color text = ThemedBlockText [mkThemedSegment color text]
mkThemedSegment :: (Color, Maybe Color) -> Text -> ThemedBlockTextSegment
mkThemedSegment (color, backgroundColor) text = ThemedBlockTextSegment{themedSegmentText=text, color, backgroundColor}
whiteThemedBlockOutput :: Text -> ThemedBlockOutput
whiteThemedBlockOutput = mkThemedBlockOutput (ColorRGB (RGB 1 1 1), Nothing)
invalidColor :: Color
invalidColor = ColorRGBA (RGB (0x96 / 255) (0x98 / 255) (0x96 / 255)) (0x77 / 255)
......@@ -151,4 +163,3 @@ rainbowTheme = AnimatedTheme rainbowThemePipe
let hue' = position * 3
color = hsv hue' 0.8 1.0
in ColorRGB color
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