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Commit 1de37c12 authored by Mr. Snow Ball / projects's avatar Mr. Snow Ball / projects :arrows_counterclockwise:
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Add Producer for Qubes VM stats

parent b50d2b96
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......@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
:load src/Prelude.hs
:set -XImplicitPrelude
:load src/QBar/Cli.hs
:load src/QBar/Cli.hs src/QBar/Qubes/AdminAPI.hs
:m QBar.Cli QBar.Qubes.AdminAPI
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ dependencies:
- aeson
- async
- attoparsec
- binary
- bytestring
- colour
- concurrent-extra
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ dependencies:
- dbus
- directory
- filepath
- hostname
- lens
- mtl
- network
module QBar.Qubes.AdminAPI where
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import Network.HostName
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Safe as P
import System.IO (Handle, hSetBinaryMode)
import System.Process.Typed
data QubesAdminReturn
= Ok { okContent :: BL.ByteString }
| Event { evSubject :: BL.ByteString, evEvent :: BL.ByteString, evProperties :: [(BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)] }
| Exception { excType :: BL.ByteString, excTraceback :: BL.ByteString, excFormatString :: BL.ByteString, excFields :: [BL.ByteString] }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
putLazyByteStringNul x = do
when (0 `BL.elem` x) $ error "string mustn't contain any \\x00 bytes"
putLazyByteString x
putWord8 0x00
instance Binary QubesAdminReturn where
put Ok {okContent} = do
putWord8 0x30 >> putWord8 0x00
putLazyByteString okContent
put Event {evSubject, evEvent, evProperties} = do
putWord8 0x31 >> putWord8 0x00
putLazyByteStringNul evSubject
putLazyByteStringNul evEvent
forM evProperties $ \(k, v) -> do
putLazyByteStringNul k
putLazyByteStringNul v
putWord8 0x00
put Exception {excType, excTraceback, excFormatString, excFields} = do
putWord8 0x32 >> putWord8 0x00
putLazyByteStringNul excType
putLazyByteStringNul excTraceback
putLazyByteStringNul excFormatString
forM excFields putLazyByteStringNul
putWord8 0x00
get = do
msgType <- getWord8
zero <- getWord8
case (msgType, zero) of
(0x30, 0x00) -> Ok <$> getRemainingLazyByteString
(0x31, 0x00) -> Event <$> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getPairs
(0x32, 0x00) -> Exception <$> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getFields
_ -> fail $ "unsupported message type " <> show msgType <> ", " <> show zero
getPairs = untilZeroByte $ (,) <$> getLazyByteStringNul <*> getLazyByteStringNul
getFields = untilZeroByte getLazyByteStringNul
untilZeroByte inner = lookAhead getWord8 >>= \case
0x00 -> getWord8 >> return []
_ -> inner >>= \x -> (x:) <$> untilZeroByte inner
qubesAdminConnect :: String -> IO (Process () Handle ())
qubesAdminConnect serviceName = do
hostname <- getHostName
let cmd = if hostname == "dom0"
then "qubesd-query dom0 " <> serviceName <> " dom0"
else "qrexec-client-vm dom0 " <> serviceName
--NOTE qubesd-query and qrexec-client-vm don't like it if their input
-- is closed rather than empty.
-- hangs: qrexec-client-vm dom0 admin.vm.List <&-
-- works: qrexec-client-vm dom0 admin.vm.List </dev/null
let processConfig = setStdin nullStream $ setStdout createPipe $ shell cmd
startProcess processConfig
qubesAdminCall :: String -> IO QubesAdminReturn
qubesAdminCall serviceName = do
process <- qubesAdminConnect serviceName
let stdout = getStdout process
hSetBinaryMode stdout True
reply <- decode <$> BL.hGetContents stdout
case reply of
Ok {} -> return reply
Exception {} -> return reply
Event {} -> fail "service has returned events instead of a reply"
qubesAdminCallP :: String -> Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesAdminCallP serviceName = do
process <- liftIO $ qubesAdminConnect serviceName
let stdout = getStdout process
liftIO $ hSetBinaryMode stdout True
let go :: Decoder QubesAdminReturn -> Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
go = \case
Done remainder _ value -> do
yield value
go $ pushChunk (runGetIncremental get) remainder
d@(Partial _) -> do
chunk <- liftIO $ BS.hGetSome stdout 1024
if not (BS.null chunk)
then go $ pushChunk d chunk
else case pushEndOfInput d of
Done _ _ value -> yield value
_ -> return ()
Fail _ _ msg ->
fail $ "decoding reply from QubesAdmin failed: " <> msg
go (runGetIncremental get)
`P.finally` stopProcess process
qubesAdminEvents :: String -> Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesAdminEvents serviceName = qubesAdminCallP serviceName >-> onlyEvents
onlyEvents :: Pipe QubesAdminReturn QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
onlyEvents = forever $ await >>= \reply -> case reply of
Ok {} -> fail "service has returned OK instead of events"
Exception {} -> fail $ "service has returned an exception: " ++ show reply
Event {} -> yield reply
qubesVMStats :: Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesVMStats = qubesAdminEvents "admin.vm.Stats"
printEvents :: Show a => Producer a (P.SafeT IO) () -> IO ()
printEvents prod = P.runSafeT $ runEffect $ prod >-> (forever $ await >>= liftIO . print)
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