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Commit e2807646 authored by Mr. Snow Ball / projects's avatar Mr. Snow Ball / projects :arrows_counterclockwise:
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Add types for Qubes events from admin.Events and admin.vm.Stats

parent 1de37c12
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......@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Network.HostName
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified Pipes.Safe as P
import System.IO (Handle, hSetBinaryMode)
import System.Process.Typed
......@@ -113,8 +115,74 @@ qubesAdminEvents serviceName = qubesAdminCallP serviceName >-> onlyEvents
Exception {} -> fail $ "service has returned an exception: " ++ show reply
Event {} -> yield reply
qubesVMStats :: Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesVMStats = qubesAdminEvents "admin.vm.Stats"
qubesVMStatsRaw :: Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesVMStatsRaw = qubesAdminEvents "admin.vm.Stats"
data QubesVMStats = QubesVMStats { statsVMName :: BL.ByteString, memoryKB :: Int, cpuTime :: Int, cpuUsageRaw :: Int, cpuUsage :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
qubesVMStats :: Producer QubesVMStats (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesVMStats = qubesVMStatsRaw >-> P.mapFoldable parse where
parse :: QubesAdminReturn -> Maybe QubesVMStats
parse Event {evSubject, evEvent, evProperties}
| evEvent == "connection-established" = Nothing
| evEvent == "vm-stats" = Just $ addProperties evProperties $ QubesVMStats evSubject absent absent absent absent
| otherwise = Nothing -- shouldn't happen -> report error?
parse _ = Nothing -- shouldn't happen -> report error?
absent = (-1)
readBL = read . BLC.unpack
addProperties :: [(BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)] -> QubesVMStats -> QubesVMStats
addProperties (("memory_kb", x) : xs) st = addProperties xs $ st { memoryKB = readBL x }
addProperties (("cpu_time", x) : xs) st = addProperties xs $ st { cpuTime = readBL x }
addProperties (("cpu_usage_raw", x) : xs) st = addProperties xs $ st { cpuUsageRaw = readBL x }
addProperties (("cpu_usage", x) : xs) st = addProperties xs $ st { cpuUsage = readBL x }
addProperties (_ : xs) st = addProperties xs st
addProperties [] st = st
data QubesEvent
= OtherEvent QubesAdminReturn
| DomainPreStart { domainName :: BL.ByteString, startGuid :: Maybe Bool }
| DomainStart { domainName :: BL.ByteString, startGuid :: Maybe Bool }
| DomainUnpaused { domainName :: BL.ByteString }
| DomainStopped { domainName :: BL.ByteString }
| DomainShutdown { domainName :: BL.ByteString }
| DomainUpdatesAvailable { domainName :: BL.ByteString, updatesAvailable :: Bool, updatesAvailableOld :: Bool }
| DomainStartFailed { domainName :: BL.ByteString, reason :: BL.ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
qubesEventsRaw :: Producer QubesAdminReturn (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesEventsRaw = qubesAdminEvents "admin.Events"
qubesEvents :: Producer QubesEvent (P.SafeT IO) ()
qubesEvents = qubesEventsRaw >-> P.mapFoldable parse where
parse :: QubesAdminReturn -> Maybe QubesEvent
parse Event {evEvent="connection-established"} = Nothing
parse ev@(Event {evSubject, evEvent, evProperties}) =
Just $ case evEvent of
"domain-pre-start" -> DomainPreStart evSubject (boolProp "start_guid")
"domain-start" -> DomainStart evSubject (boolProp "start_guid")
"domain-unpaused" -> DomainUnpaused evSubject
"domain-stopped" -> DomainStopped evSubject
"domain-shutdown" -> DomainShutdown evSubject
"domain-feature-set:updates-available" ->
DomainUpdatesAvailable evSubject (boolPropViaInt "value") (boolPropViaInt "oldvalue")
"domain-start-failed" ->
DomainStartFailed evSubject (fromMaybe "" $ getProp "reason")
_ -> OtherEvent ev
getProp :: BL.ByteString -> Maybe BL.ByteString
getProp name = lookup name evProperties
readProp :: Read a => BL.ByteString -> Maybe a
readProp name = read . BLC.unpack <$> getProp name
intProp :: BL.ByteString -> Maybe Int
intProp = readProp
boolProp :: BL.ByteString -> Maybe Bool
boolProp = readProp
boolPropViaInt :: BL.ByteString -> Bool
boolPropViaInt = fromMaybe False . fmap (/=0) . intProp
parse _ = Nothing -- shouldn't happen -> report error?
printEvents :: Show a => Producer a (P.SafeT IO) () -> IO ()
printEvents prod = P.runSafeT $ runEffect $ prod >-> (forever $ await >>= liftIO . print)
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