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Commit 7d78eb96 authored by Jens Nolte's avatar Jens Nolte
Browse files

Implement Observable (WIP)

Recovered from a backup
parent b9962634
No related branches found
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......@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
"locked": {
"host": "",
"lastModified": 1626923341,
"narHash": "sha256-CWvh6F6d1kEN6IpMvDBxSBNl4oJP2FhRGU5uGLwZSBw=",
"lastModified": 1628533241,
"narHash": "sha256-nvAqgEzmdYhvwTb0y6Vico4EvyOT1ehgzZU7/LrnW2g=",
"owner": "jens",
"repo": "quasar",
"rev": "458784d70f664f3af9b98655505ca93e72610376",
"rev": "894908377f0ee5cf626a6bdd8c4fdd29411b8e80",
"type": "gitlab"
"original": {
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ library
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Quasar.Network (
-- * Runtime
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Data.Binary (Binary, encode, decodeOrFail)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import Quasar.Core
import Quasar.Awaitable
import Quasar.Network.Connection
import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
import Quasar.Prelude
......@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ emptyClientState = ClientState {
clientSend :: forall p m. (MonadIO m, RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> m SentMessageResources
clientSend client config req = liftIO $ channelSend_ config (encode req)
clientRequest :: forall p m a. (MonadIO m, RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> (ProtocolResponse p -> Maybe a) -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> m (Async a, SentMessageResources)
clientRequest :: forall p m a. (MonadIO m, RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> (ProtocolResponse p -> Maybe a) -> MessageConfiguration -> ProtocolRequest p -> m (Awaitable a, SentMessageResources)
clientRequest client checkResponse config req = do
resultAsync <- newAsyncVar
sentMessageResources <- liftIO $ channelSend config (encode req) $ \msgId ->
modifyMVar_ client.stateMVar $
\state -> pure state{callbacks = HM.insert msgId (requestCompletedCallback resultAsync msgId) state.callbacks}
pure (toAsync resultAsync, sentMessageResources)
pure (toAwaitable resultAsync, sentMessageResources)
requestCompletedCallback :: AsyncVar a -> MessageId -> ProtocolResponse p -> IO ()
requestCompletedCallback resultAsync msgId response = do
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ clientRequest client checkResponse config req = do
case checkResponse response of
Nothing -> clientReportProtocolError client "Invalid response"
Just result -> putAsyncVar resultAsync result
Just result -> putAsyncVar_ resultAsync result
clientHandleChannelMessage :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p) => Client p -> ReceivedMessageResources -> BSL.ByteString -> IO ()
clientHandleChannelMessage client resources msg = case decodeOrFail msg of
......@@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ streamClose (Stream channel) = liftIO $ channelClose channel
-- ** Running client and server
withClientTCP :: RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
withClientTCP :: RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
withClientTCP host port = withClientBracket (newClientTCP host port)
newClientTCP :: forall p. RpcProtocol p => Socket.HostName -> Socket.ServiceName -> IO (Client p)
newClientTCP host port = newClient =<< connectTCP host port
withClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
withClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
withClientUnix socketPath = withClientBracket (newClientUnix socketPath)
newClientUnix :: RpcProtocol p => FilePath -> IO (Client p)
......@@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ newClientUnix socketPath = bracketOnError (Socket.socket Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.S
newClient sock
withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p -> AsyncIO b) -> IO b
withClient :: forall p a b. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> (Client p -> IO b) -> IO b
withClient connection = withClientBracket (newClient connection)
newClient :: forall p a. (IsConnection a, RpcProtocol p) => a -> IO (Client p)
newClient connection = newChannelClient =<< newMultiplexer MultiplexerSideA (toSocketConnection connection)
withClientBracket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p) => IO (Client p) -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
withClientBracket createClient action = bracket createClient clientClose $ \client -> runAsyncIO (action client)
withClientBracket :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p) => IO (Client p) -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
withClientBracket createClient = bracket createClient clientClose
newChannelClient :: RpcProtocol p => Channel -> IO (Client p)
......@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ runServerHandler protocolImpl = runMultiplexer MultiplexerSideB registerChannelS
registerChannelServerHandler channel = channelSetHandler channel (serverHandleChannelMessage @p protocolImpl channel)
withLocalClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> ((Client p) -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
withLocalClient server action = bracket (newLocalClient server) clientClose $ \client -> runAsyncIO (action client)
withLocalClient :: forall p m a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
withLocalClient server = bracket (newLocalClient server) clientClose
newLocalClient :: forall p. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => Server p -> IO (Client p)
newLocalClient server = do
......@@ -306,5 +306,5 @@ newLocalClient server = do
-- ** Test implementation
withStandaloneClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> (Client p -> AsyncIO a) -> IO a
withStandaloneClient :: forall p a. (RpcProtocol p, HasProtocolImpl p) => ProtocolImpl p -> (Client p -> IO a) -> IO a
withStandaloneClient impl runClientHook = withServer impl [] $ \server -> withLocalClient server runClientHook
module Quasar.Network.Runtime.Observable () where
import Quasar.Network.Runtime
import Quasar.Core
import Quasar.Observable
import Quasar.Prelude
:: ((ObservableMessage v -> IO ()) -> IO Disposable)
-> (forall m. HasResourceManager m => m (Task v))
-> IO (Observable v)
newNetworkObservable observeFn retrieveFn = pure $ fnObservable observeFn retrieveFn
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Quasar.Network.TH (
-- TODO: re-add functions that generate only client and server later
RpcProtocol(ProtocolRequest, ProtocolResponse),
......@@ -19,18 +20,20 @@ module Quasar.Network.TH (
import Control.Monad.State (State, execState)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import GHC.Records.Compat (HasField)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (interruptible)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Quasar.Core
import Quasar.Awaitable
import Quasar.Network.Multiplexer
import Quasar.Network.Runtime
import Quasar.Observable
import Quasar.Prelude
data RpcApi = RpcApi {
name :: String,
functions :: [ RpcFunction ]
functions :: [ RpcFunction ],
observables :: [ RpcObservable ]
data RpcFunction = RpcFunction {
......@@ -57,20 +60,36 @@ data RpcStream = RpcStream {
tyDown :: Q Type
rpcApi :: String -> [RpcFunction] -> RpcApi
rpcApi apiName functions = RpcApi {
data RpcObservable = RpcObservable {
name :: String,
ty :: Q Type
rpcApi :: String -> State RpcApi () -> RpcApi
rpcApi apiName setup = execState setup RpcApi {
name = apiName,
functions = functions
functions = [],
observables = []
rpcFunction :: String -> State RpcFunction () -> RpcFunction
rpcFunction methodName setup = execState setup RpcFunction {
name = methodName,
arguments = [],
results = [],
streams = [],
fixedHandler = Nothing
rpcFunction :: String -> State RpcFunction () -> State RpcApi ()
rpcFunction methodName setup = State.modify (\api -> api{functions = api.functions <> [fun]})
fun = execState setup RpcFunction {
name = methodName,
arguments = [],
results = [],
streams = [],
fixedHandler = Nothing
rpcObservable :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcApi ()
rpcObservable name ty = State.modify (\api -> api{observables = api.observables <> [observable]})
observable = RpcObservable {
addArgument :: String -> Q Type -> State RpcFunction ()
addArgument name t = State.modify (\fun -> fun{arguments = fun.arguments <> [RpcArgument name t]})
......@@ -90,8 +109,8 @@ setFixedHandler handler = State.modify (\fun -> fun{fixedHandler = Just handler}
-- | Generates rpc protocol types, rpc client and rpc server
makeRpc :: RpcApi -> Q [Dec]
makeRpc api = do
code <- mconcat <$> sequence (generateFunction api <$> api.functions)
mconcat <$> sequence [makeProtocol api code, makeClient code, makeServer api code]
code <- mconcat <$> sequence ((generateFunction api <$> api.functions) <> (generateObservable api <$> api.observables))
mconcat <$> sequence [makeProtocol api code, makeClient api code, makeServer api code]
makeProtocol :: RpcApi -> Code -> Q [Dec]
makeProtocol api code = sequence [protocolDec, protocolInstanceDec, requestDec, responseDec]
......@@ -124,8 +143,106 @@ makeProtocol api code = sequence [protocolDec, protocolInstanceDec, requestDec,
derivClause (Just AnyclassStrategy) [[t|Binary|]]
makeClient :: Code -> Q [Dec]
makeClient code = sequence code.clientStubDecs
makeClient :: RpcApi -> Code -> Q [Dec]
makeClient api code = do
requestStubDecs <- mconcat <$> sequence (clientRequestStub api <$> code.requests)
sequence $ code.clientStubDecs <> requestStubDecs
clientRequestStub :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q [Q Dec]
clientRequestStub api req = do
clientStubPrimeName <- newName
clientVarName <- newName "client"
argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> req.fields)
clientRequestStub' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames
stubName :: Name
stubName = clientRequestStubName api req
makeStubSig :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
makeStubSig arguments =
[t|forall m. MonadIO m => $(buildFunctionType arguments [t|m $(buildTupleType (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType resourceTypes))|])|]
resourceTypes :: Q [Type]
resourceTypes = sequence $ resourceType <$> req.createdResources
optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
optionalResultType = case req.mResponse of
Nothing -> pure []
Just resp -> sequence [[t|Awaitable $(buildTupleType (sequence ((.ty) <$> resp.fields)))|]]
resourceType :: RequestCreateResource -> Q Type
resourceType RequestCreateChannel = [t|Channel|]
resourceType (RequestCreateStream up down) = [t|Stream $up $down|]
clientRequestStub' :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Q Dec]
clientRequestStub' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames = do
pure [
clientRequestStubSigDec api req,
funD stubName [clause ([varP clientVarName] <> varPats) body clientStubPrimeDecs]
clientE :: Q Exp
clientE = varE clientVarName
varPats :: [Q Pat]
varPats = varP <$> argNames
body :: Q Body
body = case req.mResponse of
Just resp -> normalB [|$(requestE resp requestDataE) >>= \(result, resources) -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) result resources.createdChannels|]
Nothing -> normalB [|$(sendE requestDataE) >>= \resources -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) resources.createdChannels|]
clientStubPrimeDecs :: [Q Dec]
clientStubPrimeDecs = [
sigD clientStubPrimeName (makeStubSig (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType (sequence [[t|[Channel]|]]))),
funD clientStubPrimeName (clientStubPrimeClauses req)
clientStubPrimeClauses :: Request -> [Q Clause]
clientStubPrimeClauses req = [mainClause, invalidChannelCountClause]
mainClause :: Q Clause
mainClause = do
resultAsyncName <- newName "result"
channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (numPipelinedChannels req - 1)]
(whenHasResult (varP resultAsyncName) <> [listP (varP <$> channelNames)])
(normalB (buildTupleM (sequence (whenHasResult [|pure $(varE resultAsyncName)|] <> ((\x -> [|newStream $(varE x)|]) <$> channelNames)))))
invalidChannelCountClause :: Q Clause
invalidChannelCountClause = do
channelsName <- newName "newChannels"
(whenHasResult wildP <> [varP channelsName])
(normalB [|$(varE 'multiplexerInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger (numPipelinedChannels req)))) $(varE channelsName)|])
hasResponse :: Bool
hasResponse = isJust req.mResponse
whenHasResult :: a -> [a]
whenHasResult x = [x | hasResponse]
requestDataE :: Q Exp
requestDataE = applyVars (conE (requestConName api req))
messageConfigurationE :: Q Exp
messageConfigurationE = [|defaultMessageConfiguration{createChannels = $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ numPipelinedChannels req)}|]
sendE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
sendE msgExp = [|$typedSend $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
requestE :: Response -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
requestE resp msgExp = [|$typedRequest $clientE $checkResult $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
checkResult :: Q Exp
checkResult = lamCaseE [valid, invalid]
valid :: Q Match
valid = do
result <- newName "result"
match (conP (responseConName api resp) [varP result]) (normalB [|pure $(varE result)|]) []
invalid :: Q Match
invalid = match wildP (normalB [|Nothing|]) []
applyVars :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
applyVars = go argNames
go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
go [] ex = ex
go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
-- check if the response to a request matches the expected response constructor
typedSend :: Q Exp
typedSend = appTypeE (varE 'clientSend) (protocolType api)
typedRequest :: Q Exp
typedRequest = appTypeE (varE 'clientRequest) (protocolType api)
makeServer :: RpcApi -> Code -> Q [Dec]
makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} code = sequence [protocolImplDec, logicInstanceDec]
......@@ -153,7 +270,7 @@ makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} code = sequence [protocolImplDec, logicInstance
mainClause :: Q Clause
mainClause = do
channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (req.numPipelinedChannels - 1)]
channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (numPipelinedChannels req - 1)]
fieldNames <- sequence $ newName . (.name) <$> req.fields
let requestConP = conP (requestConName api req) (varP <$> fieldNames)
......@@ -174,7 +291,7 @@ makeServer api@RpcApi{functions} code = sequence [protocolImplDec, logicInstance
let requestConP = conP (requestConName api req) (replicate (length req.fields) wildP)
[requestConP, varP channelsName]
(normalB [|$(varE 'reportInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger req.numPipelinedChannels))) $(varE channelsName) $(varE channelName)|])
(normalB [|$(varE 'reportInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger (numPipelinedChannels req)))) $(varE channelsName) $(varE channelName)|])
packResponse :: Maybe Response -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
......@@ -205,11 +322,13 @@ instance Monoid Code where
data Request = Request {
name :: String,
fields :: [Field],
numPipelinedChannels :: Int,
createdResources :: [RequestCreateResource],
mResponse :: Maybe Response,
handlerE :: RequestHandlerContext -> Q Exp
data RequestCreateResource = RequestCreateChannel | RequestCreateStream (Q Type) (Q Type)
data Response = Response {
name :: String,
fields :: [Field]
......@@ -232,6 +351,44 @@ data RequestHandlerContext = RequestHandlerContext {
-- * Rpc function code generator
generateObservable :: RpcApi -> RpcObservable -> Q Code
generateObservable api observable = pure Code {
clientStubDecs = [],
requests = [observeRequest, retrieveRequest],
serverImplFields = [varDefaultBangType serverImplFieldName serverImplFieldSig]
observeRequest :: Request
observeRequest = Request {
name = <> "_observe",
fields = [],
createdResources = [RequestCreateStream [t|Void|] observable.ty],
mResponse = Nothing,
handlerE = \ctx -> [|undefined|]
retrieveRequest :: Request
retrieveRequest = Request {
name = <> "_retrieve",
fields = [],
createdResources = [],
mResponse = Just retrieveResponse,
-- TODO use awaitable for result instead of blocking the network thread
handlerE = \ctx -> [|withDefaultResourceManager (awaitResult (retrieve $(observableE ctx)))|]
retrieveResponse :: Response
retrieveResponse = Response {
name = <> "_retrieve",
fields = [Field "result" observable.ty]
serverImplFieldName :: Name
serverImplFieldName = mkName
serverImplFieldSig :: Q Type
serverImplFieldSig = [t|Observable $(observable.ty)|]
observableE :: RequestHandlerContext -> Q Exp
observableE ctx = [|$(varE serverImplFieldName) $(ctx.implRecordE)|]
--observeE :: Q Exp
--observeE = r
generateFunction :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Q Code
generateFunction api fun = do
clientStubDecs <- clientFunctionStub
......@@ -248,7 +405,7 @@ generateFunction api fun = do
request = Request {
name =,
fields = toField <$> fun.arguments,
numPipelinedChannels = length fun.streams,
createdResources = (\stream -> RequestCreateStream stream.tyUp stream.tyDown) <$> fun.streams,
mResponse = if hasResult fun then Just response else Nothing,
handlerE = serverRequestHandlerE
......@@ -286,102 +443,28 @@ generateFunction api fun = do
clientFunctionStub :: Q [Q Dec]
clientFunctionStub = do
clientStubPrimeName <- newName
clientVarName <- newName "client"
argNames <- sequence (newName . (.name) <$> fun.arguments)
makeClientFunction' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames
funArgTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
pure [
sigD funName (clientRequestStubSig api request),
funD funName [clause [] (normalB (clientRequestStubE api request)) []]
funName :: Name
funName = mkName
makeClientFunction' :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Q Dec]
makeClientFunction' clientStubPrimeName clientVarName argNames = do
funArgTypes <- functionArgumentTypes fun
clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
pure [
sigD funName (makeStubSig (pure (clientType : funArgTypes))),
funD funName [clause ([varP clientVarName] <> varPats) body clientStubPrimeDecs]
makeStubSig :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
makeStubSig arguments = buildFunctionType arguments [t|AsyncIO $(buildTupleType (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType clientStreamTypes))|]
optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
optionalResultType = sequence $ whenHasResult [t|Async $(buildTupleType (functionResultTypes fun))|]
clientStreamTypes :: Q [Type]
clientStreamTypes = sequence $ (\stream -> [t|Stream $(stream.tyUp) $(stream.tyDown)|]) <$> fun.streams
clientE :: Q Exp
clientE = varE clientVarName
varPats :: [Q Pat]
varPats = varP <$> argNames
body :: Q Body
| hasResult fun = normalB ([|$(requestE requestDataE) >>= \(result, resources) -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) result resources.createdChannels|])
| otherwise = normalB ([|$(sendE requestDataE) >>= \resources -> $(varE clientStubPrimeName) resources.createdChannels|])
clientStubPrimeDecs :: [Q Dec]
clientStubPrimeDecs = [
sigD clientStubPrimeName (makeStubSig (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType (sequence [[t|[Channel]|]]))),
funD clientStubPrimeName (clientStubPrimeClauses request)
clientStubPrimeClauses :: Request -> [Q Clause]
clientStubPrimeClauses req = [mainClause, invalidChannelCountClause]
mainClause :: Q Clause
mainClause = do
resultAsyncName <- newName "result"
channelNames <- sequence $ newName . ("channel" <>) . show <$> [0 .. (req.numPipelinedChannels - 1)]
(whenHasResult (varP resultAsyncName) <> [listP (varP <$> channelNames)])
(normalB (buildTupleM (sequence (whenHasResult [|pure $(varE resultAsyncName)|] <> ((\x -> [|newStream $(varE x)|]) <$> channelNames)))))
invalidChannelCountClause :: Q Clause
invalidChannelCountClause = do
channelsName <- newName "newChannels"
(whenHasResult wildP <> [varP channelsName])
(normalB [|$(varE 'multiplexerInvalidChannelCount) $(litE (integerL (toInteger req.numPipelinedChannels))) $(varE channelsName)|])
whenHasResult :: a -> [a]
whenHasResult x = if hasResult fun then [x] else []
requestDataE :: Q Exp
requestDataE = applyVars (conE (requestFunctionConName api fun))
messageConfigurationE :: Q Exp
messageConfigurationE = [|defaultMessageConfiguration{createChannels = $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger $ length fun.streams)}|]
sendE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
sendE msgExp = [|$typedSend $clientE $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
requestE :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
requestE msgExp = [|$typedRequest $clientE $checkResult $messageConfigurationE $msgExp|]
applyVars :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
applyVars = go argNames
go :: [Name] -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
go [] ex = ex
go (n:ns) ex = go ns (appE ex (varE n))
-- check if the response to a request matches the expected response constructor
checkResult :: Q Exp
checkResult = lamCaseE [valid, invalid]
valid :: Q Match
valid = do
result <- newName "result"
match (conP (responseFunctionCtorName api fun) [varP result]) (normalB [|pure $(varE result)|]) []
invalid :: Q Match
invalid = match wildP (normalB [|Nothing|]) []
typedSend :: Q Exp
typedSend = appTypeE (varE 'clientSend) (protocolType api)
typedRequest :: Q Exp
typedRequest = appTypeE (varE 'clientRequest) (protocolType api)
functionArgumentTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
functionArgumentTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.arguments
functionResultTypes :: RpcFunction -> Q [Type]
functionResultTypes fun = sequence $ (.ty) <$> fun.results
hasResult :: RpcFunction -> Bool
hasResult fun = not (null fun.results)
numPipelinedChannels :: Request -> Int
numPipelinedChannels req = length req.createdResources
-- ** Name helper functions
......@@ -397,9 +480,6 @@ requestTypeIdentifier RpcApi{name} = name <> "ProtocolRequest"
requestTypeName :: RpcApi -> Name
requestTypeName = mkName . requestTypeIdentifier
requestFunctionConName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
requestFunctionConName api fun = mkName (requestTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <>
requestConName :: RpcApi -> Request -> Name
requestConName api req = mkName (requestTypeIdentifier api <> "_" <>
......@@ -424,6 +504,34 @@ implType = conT . implTypeName
functionImplFieldName :: RpcApi -> RpcFunction -> Name
functionImplFieldName _api fun = mkName ( <> "Impl")
clientRequestStubName :: RpcApi -> Request -> Name
clientRequestStubName api req = mkName ("_" <> <> "_" <>
clientRequestStubE :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q Exp
clientRequestStubE api req = (varE (clientRequestStubName api req))
clientRequestStubSig :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q Type
clientRequestStubSig api req = do
reqFieldTypes <- sequence $ (.ty) <$> req.fields
clientType <- [t|Client $(protocolType api)|]
makeStubSig (pure (clientType : reqFieldTypes))
makeStubSig :: Q [Type] -> Q Type
makeStubSig arguments =
[t|forall m. MonadIO m => $(buildFunctionType arguments [t|m $(buildTupleType (liftA2 (<>) optionalResultType resourceTypes))|])|]
resourceTypes :: Q [Type]
resourceTypes = sequence $ resourceType <$> req.createdResources
optionalResultType :: Q [Type]
optionalResultType = case req.mResponse of
Nothing -> pure []
Just resp -> sequence [[t|Awaitable $(buildTupleType (sequence ((.ty) <$> resp.fields)))|]]
resourceType :: RequestCreateResource -> Q Type
resourceType RequestCreateChannel = [t|Channel|]
resourceType (RequestCreateStream up down) = [t|Stream $up $down|]
clientRequestStubSigDec :: RpcApi -> Request -> Q Dec
clientRequestStubSigDec api req = sigD (clientRequestStubName api req) (clientRequestStubSig api req)
-- * Template Haskell helper functions
funT :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
......@@ -442,6 +550,8 @@ buildTupleType fields = buildTupleType' =<< fields
go t (f:fs) = go (AppT t f) fs
-- | [a, b, c] -> (a, b, c)
-- [a] -> a
-- [] -> ()
buildTuple :: Q [Exp] -> Q Exp
buildTuple fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
......@@ -451,6 +561,8 @@ buildTuple fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
buildTuple' fs = pure $ TupE (Just <$> fs)
-- | [m a, m b, m c] -> m (a, b, c)
-- [m a] -> m a
-- [] -> m ()
buildTupleM :: Q [Exp] -> Q Exp
buildTupleM fields = buildTuple' =<< fields
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
module Quasar.NetworkSpec where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Prelude
import Quasar.Awaitable
import Quasar.Core
import Quasar.Network
import Quasar.Network.Runtime (withStandaloneClient)
......@@ -25,38 +26,43 @@ shouldReturnAsync :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => AsyncIO a -> a -> AsyncIO (
action `shouldReturnAsync` expected = action >>= liftIO . (`shouldBe` expected)
$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "Example" [
$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "Example" $ do
rpcFunction "fixedHandler42" $ do
addArgument "arg" [t|Int|]
addResult "result" [t|Bool|]
setFixedHandler [| pure . (== 42) |],
setFixedHandler [| pure . (== 42) |]
rpcFunction "fixedHandlerInc" $ do
addArgument "arg" [t|Int|]
addResult "result" [t|Int|]
setFixedHandler [| pure . (+ 1) |],
setFixedHandler [| pure . (+ 1) |]
rpcFunction "multiArgs" $ do
addArgument "one" [t|Int|]
addArgument "two" [t|Int|]
addArgument "three" [t|Bool|]
addResult "result" [t|Int|]
addResult "result2" [t|Bool|],
addResult "result2" [t|Bool|]
rpcFunction "noArgs" $ do
addResult "result" [t|Int|],
addResult "result" [t|Int|]
rpcFunction "noResponse" $ do
addArgument "arg" [t|Int|],
addArgument "arg" [t|Int|]
rpcFunction "noNothing" $ pure ()
$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "StreamExample" [
$(makeRpc $ rpcApi "StreamExample" $ do
rpcFunction "createMultiplyStream" $ do
addStream "stream" [t|(Int, Int)|] [t|Int|]
rpcFunction "createStreams" $ do
addStream "stream1" [t|Bool|] [t|Bool|]
addStream "stream2" [t|Int|] [t|Int|]
rpcObservable "intObservable" [t|Int|]
exampleProtocolImpl :: ExampleProtocolImpl
exampleProtocolImpl = ExampleProtocolImpl {
......@@ -72,9 +78,9 @@ streamExampleProtocolImpl = StreamExampleProtocolImpl {
createMultiplyStreamImpl :: Stream Int (Int, Int) -> IO ()
createMultiplyStreamImpl :: MonadIO m => Stream Int (Int, Int) -> m ()
createMultiplyStreamImpl stream = streamSetHandler stream $ \(x, y) -> streamSend stream (x * y)
createStreamsImpl :: Stream Bool Bool -> Stream Int Int -> IO ()
createStreamsImpl :: MonadIO m => Stream Bool Bool -> Stream Int Int -> m ()
createStreamsImpl stream1 stream2 = do
streamSetHandler stream1 $ streamSend stream1
streamSetHandler stream2 $ streamSend stream2
......@@ -84,10 +90,10 @@ spec = parallel $ do
describe "Example" $ do
it "works" $ do
withStandaloneClient @ExampleProtocol exampleProtocolImpl $ \client -> do
awaitResult (fixedHandler42 client 5) `shouldReturnAsync` False
awaitResult (fixedHandler42 client 42) `shouldReturnAsync` True
awaitResult (fixedHandlerInc client 41) `shouldReturnAsync` 42
awaitResult (multiArgs client 10 3 False) `shouldReturnAsync` (13, True)
(awaitIO =<< fixedHandler42 client 5) `shouldReturn` False
(awaitIO =<< fixedHandler42 client 42) `shouldReturn` True
(awaitIO =<< fixedHandlerInc client 41) `shouldReturn` 42
(awaitIO =<< multiArgs client 10 3 False) `shouldReturn` (13, True)
noResponse client 1337
noNothing client
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