{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module QBar.Core where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Event as Event
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan, writeTChan)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, ask)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Pipes
import Pipes.Concurrent
import Pipes.Safe (SafeT, runSafeT)
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PP
data MainOptions = MainOptions {
verbose :: Bool,
indicator :: Bool,
socketLocation :: Maybe T.Text
data BlockEvent = Click {
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''BlockEvent)
data PushMode = PushMode
data PullMode = PullMode
data CachedMode = CachedMode
type BlockEventHandler = BlockEvent -> BarIO ()
type BlockState = Maybe (BlockOutput, Maybe BlockEventHandler)
data BlockUpdateReason = DefaultUpdate | PullUpdate | UserUpdate
type BlockUpdate = (BlockState, BlockUpdateReason)
type Block = Producer BlockUpdate BarIO
-- |Block that 'yield's an update whenever the block should be changed
-- |Block that generates an update on 'yield'. Should only be pulled when an update is required.
-- |Cache that holds multiple BlockStates. When iterated it always immediately 'yield's the latest update, so it should only be pulled when a bar update has been requested.
type BlockCache = Producer [BlockState] BarIO CachedMode
class IsCachable a where
toCachedBlock :: a -> BlockCache
instance IsCachable PushBlock where
instance IsCachable PullBlock where
toCachedBlock = toCachedBlock . schedulePullBlock
instance IsBlockMode PushMode where
exitBlock = return PushMode
instance IsBlockMode PullMode where
exitBlock = return PullMode
exitCache :: BlockCache
exitCache = return CachedMode
data Bar = Bar {
requestBarUpdate :: BlockUpdateReason -> IO (),
newBlockChan :: TChan BlockCache,
barSleepScheduler :: SleepScheduler
instance HasSleepScheduler BarIO where
askSleepScheduler = barSleepScheduler <$> askBar
instance HasSleepScheduler (Proxy a' a b' b BarIO) where
askSleepScheduler = lift askSleepScheduler
newtype BarUpdateChannel = BarUpdateChannel (IO ())
class (MonadIO m) => MonadBarIO m where
liftBarIO :: BarIO a -> m a
liftBarIO = id
instance (MonadBarIO m) => MonadBarIO (Proxy a' a b' b m) where
liftBarIO = lift . liftBarIO
instance (MonadBarIO m) => MonadBarIO (StateT a m) where
liftBarIO = lift . liftBarIO
instance (MonadBarIO m) => MonadBarIO (ReaderT a m) where
liftBarIO = lift . liftBarIO
instance (MonadBarIO m, Monoid a) => MonadBarIO (WriterT a m) where
liftBarIO = lift . liftBarIO
askBar :: MonadBarIO m => m Bar
askBar = liftBarIO $ lift ask
class (MonadBarIO m) => MonadBlock m where
liftBlock :: Block a -> m a
instance MonadBlock Block where
liftBlock = id
instance (MonadBlock m) => MonadBlock (StateT a m) where
liftBlock = lift . liftBlock
instance (MonadBlock m) => MonadBlock (ReaderT a m) where
liftBlock = lift . liftBlock
instance (MonadBlock m, Monoid a) => MonadBlock (WriterT a m) where
liftBlock = lift . liftBlock
updateBlock :: MonadBlock m => BlockOutput -> m ()
updateBlock blockOutput = liftBlock . yield $ (Just (blockOutput, Nothing), DefaultUpdate)
updateBlock' :: MonadBlock m => BlockEventHandler -> BlockOutput -> m ()
updateBlock' blockEventHandler blockOutput = liftBlock . yield $ (Just (blockOutput, Just blockEventHandler), DefaultUpdate)
-- |Update a block by removing the current output
updateBlockEmpty :: MonadBlock m => m ()
updateBlockEmpty = liftBlock . yield $ (Nothing, DefaultUpdate)
mkBlockState :: BlockOutput -> BlockState
mkBlockState blockOutput = Just (blockOutput, Nothing)
mkBlockState' :: Text -> BlockEventHandler -> BlockOutput -> BlockState
mkBlockState' newBlockName blockEventHandler blockOutput = Just (blockOutput {_blockName = Just newBlockName}, Just blockEventHandler)
updateEventHandler :: BlockEventHandler -> BlockState -> BlockState
updateEventHandler _ Nothing = Nothing
updateEventHandler eventHandler (Just (blockOutput, _)) = Just (blockOutput, Just eventHandler)
hasEventHandler :: BlockState -> Bool
hasEventHandler (Just (_, Just _)) = True
hasEventHandler _ = False
invalidateBlockState :: BlockState -> BlockState
invalidateBlockState Nothing = Nothing
invalidateBlockState (Just (output, eventHandler)) = Just (invalidateBlock output, eventHandler)
runBarIO :: MonadIO m => Bar -> BarIO r -> m r
runBarIO bar action = liftIO $ runReaderT (runSafeT action) bar
defaultInterval :: Interval
defaultInterval = everyNSeconds 10
-- |Converts a 'PullBlock' to a 'PushBlock' by running it whenever the 'defaultInterval' is triggered.
schedulePullBlock :: PullBlock -> PushBlock
schedulePullBlock pullBlock = PushMode <$ pullBlock >-> sleepToNextInterval
sleepToNextInterval :: Pipe BlockUpdate BlockUpdate BarIO PullMode
sleepToNextInterval = do
event <- liftIO
forever $ do
if hasEventHandler state
then do
-- If state already has an event handler, we do not attach another one
sleepUntilInterval defaultInterval
else do
-- Attach a click handler that will trigger a block update
yield $ (updateEventHandler (triggerOnClick event) state, PullUpdate)
scheduler <- askSleepScheduler
result <- liftIO $ do
timerTask <- async $ sleepUntilInterval' scheduler defaultInterval
eventTask <- async $ Event.wait event
waitEitherCancel timerTask eventTask
when (isRight result) $ yield $ (invalidateBlockState state, UserUpdate)
triggerOnClick :: Event -> BlockEvent -> BarIO ()
triggerOnClick event _ = liftIO $ Event.signal event
-- |Creates a new cache from a producer that automatically seals itself when the producer terminates.
newCache :: Producer [BlockState] BarIO () -> BlockCache
newCache input = newCacheInternal =<< newCache''
newCacheInternal :: (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> IO Bool, IO ()) -> BlockCache
newCacheInternal (cache, update, seal) = do
updateTask = do
runEffect (input >-> forever (await >>= liftIO . update))
-- |Create a new cache. The result is a tuple of the cache, a consumer that can be used to update the cache and an action that seals the cache.
newCache' :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m2, MonadIO m3) => m (BlockCache, Consumer [BlockState] m2 (), m3 ())
newCache' = do
(cache, update, seal) <- newCache''
return (cache, cacheUpdateConsumer update, seal)
cacheUpdateConsumer :: MonadIO m2 => ([BlockState] -> IO Bool) -> Consumer [BlockState] m2 ()
cacheUpdateConsumer update = do
v <- await
result <- liftIO $ update v
when result $ cacheUpdateConsumer update
-- |Low-level function to create a new cache. The result is a tuple of the cache, an action can be used to update the cache (it returns 'False'
-- |if the cache is sealed) and an action that seals the cache.
newCache'' :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m2, MonadIO m3) => m (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> m2 Bool, m3 ())
newCache'' = do
store <- liftIO $ newMVar (Just [])
newCacheInternal store
newCacheInternal :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m2, MonadIO m3) => MVar (Maybe [BlockState]) -> m (BlockCache, [BlockState] -> m2 Bool, m3 ())
newCacheInternal store = return (cache, update, seal)
update :: MonadIO m => [BlockState] -> m Bool
update value = liftIO $ modifyMVar store $ \old ->
return $ case old of
Nothing -> (Nothing, False)
Just _ -> (Just value, True)
seal :: MonadIO m => m ()
seal = liftIO . void . swapMVar store $ Nothing
cache :: BlockCache
cache = do
v <- liftIO (readMVar store)
case v of
Nothing -> exitCache
Just value -> yield value >> cache
-- |Creates a cache from a push block.
cachePushBlock :: PushBlock -> BlockCache
cachePushBlock pushBlock = newCache $ () <$ (pushBlock >-> updateBarP)
updateBarP :: Pipe BlockUpdate [BlockState] BarIO PushMode
updateBarP = forever $ do
(state, reason) <- await
yield [state]
updateBar reason
modify :: (BlockOutput -> BlockOutput) -> Pipe BlockUpdate BlockUpdate BarIO r
modify x = (over (_1 . _Just . _1) x)
autoPadding :: Pipe BlockUpdate BlockUpdate BarIO r
autoPadding = autoPadding' 0 0
autoPadding' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Pipe BlockUpdate BlockUpdate BarIO r
autoPadding' fullLength shortLength = do
(Just (block, eventHandler), reason) -> do
let fullLength' = max fullLength . printedLength $ block^.fullText
let shortLength' = max shortLength . printedLength $ block^.shortText._Just
yield $ (Just (padFullText fullLength' . padShortText shortLength' $ block, eventHandler), reason)
(Nothing, reason) -> do
yield (Nothing, reason)
padString :: Int64 -> BlockText
padString len = normalText . T.take len . T.repeat $ ' '
padFullText :: Int64 -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
padFullText len = over fullText $ \s -> padString (len - printedLength s) <> s
padShortText :: Int64 -> BlockOutput -> BlockOutput
padShortText len = over (shortText._Just) $ \s -> padString (len - printedLength s) <> s
addBlock block = do
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTChan newBlockChan' $ toCachedBlock block
updateBar :: MonadBarIO m => BlockUpdateReason -> m ()
updateBar reason = liftIO =<< requestBarUpdate <$> askBar <*> return reason
updateBar' :: MonadIO m => Bar -> BlockUpdateReason -> m ()
updateBar' bar reason = runBarIO bar $ updateBar reason
updateBarDefault :: MonadBarIO m => m ()
updateBarDefault = updateBar DefaultUpdate
updateBarDefault' :: MonadIO m => Bar -> m ()
updateBarDefault' bar = updateBar' bar DefaultUpdate
barAsync action = do
bar <- askBar
liftIO $ async $ runBarIO bar action